
Anyone bought a really comfy couch lately?

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I have looked everywhere for a stylish couch or sectional that is also comfortable - they're either or - not both. Anyone bought a couch lately or have suggestions where to look? Thanks a bunch!




  1. Where are you?  I ordered mine custom from ClearLake Furniture in Woodstock, VT, and I love 'em.  I got a loveseat with comfort down cushons and a chair.

  2. well, idk your style, but my husband and i bought our couch/love seat set from big lots. idk if you have one, but i'm sure there's one close. lol. ours is VERY nice, stylish, etc. and most importantly, VERY comfy. my husband gets mad when i fall asleep on the couch... but it's so somfy! lol! and they were fairly inexpensive. our particular set was $398 for the couch and $298 for the love seat. hope this helps!

  3. Look at the tundra. We bought one, everyone loves it, we recovered the pillows to add some fun. It can be rearranged so many ways. The micro fiber part is easy to keep clean I got sharpy marker off of it really easy. The leather is great and the ottoman we put a copper tray on for a coffee table

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