
Anyone bought a trampoline, put it up and then have an insurance company demand you take it down or drop you?

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Insurance company has demanded trampoline come down. Saftety nets, adult supervisor followed to a "T". Spent good amount of $$$ on it! Been up for less than a year. Under warranty. Anyone have any suggestions?




  1. yea.

    but we put it back up after they left :)

  2. yes, most companies will not insure property with a trampoline.   I have 1 company that will let the insured sign an exclusion if they have one.  There are way too many injuries and claims from them.  if you decide to move coverage due to this, make sure you tell the next company about it because if you don't and have an injury they will NOT cover you.

  3. Yep.

    Get rid of the trampoline.

    They are accidents just waiting to happen. It's not "if" an accident will's when.

    Even with safe use ...they are dangerous.  Many insurance companies will not insure homes that have them.

    I've seen claims with broken arms/legs (repaired with pins/plates), broken teeth/jaw.

    All the safety nets are not going to keep you from taking a bad bounce and landing wrong and breaking something.

    If a child from another home comes over and jumps on the trampoline and gets hurt---- you can be sued.  You will be responsible for medical bills (which can be a lot) - pain and suffering and any impairment that results. Do you really want to jeopardize your financial future on a toy?

    Take this how ever you want.....I'm an insurance adjuster. And after every thing I have seen on trampoline claims...I would NEVER have one.

  4. YES.  Trampolines and pools are HUGE liabilities.  Are you going to take it apart every night and lock it up?  No.  I didn't think so.  Anyone can sneak through the safety net and get hurt.  If someone gets hurt or injured on your property they can sue you.

    If someone drowns in your pool or breaks their neck on your trampoline they or their family can sue you for everything!

    Is losing your home to a lawsuit really worth it?

    P.S.--Call around and find another insurance company that allows them and be sure to increase your liability to $1,000,000.  You'll definately want that protection.

  5. I understand your frustration.  I'm surprised they didn't simply raise your rates as they would if it were a pool.  A pool must be surrounded by a fence so many feet high.  Maybe you should ask if a trampoline is the same?  If you take reasonable precautions to keep people out of your yard, for example a fence and no trespassing signs posted on the fence, most insurance companies will insure pools, ponds, trampolines, built in oversized swing sets, etc.  But again, they may raise your rates because of the added liability.  You should take this time to call around and get rate quotes for comparable policies from other companies to see if perhaps you need a new homeowner's insurance agent.   If you don't want to change agents, you have no other choice but to argue the point with them or give in and take it down (and maybe sell it to recoup some of the money lost on the purchase).


    If you choose to simply put it back up without the insurance company's knowledge and then something happens to someone while playing on the trampoline, the insurance company will not only drop you but you will not be covered by the policy you have, so you will also probably lose your house and any other assets you might have to cover the costs of the lawsuit that person will surely file against you (for the medical expenses, pain and suffering, etc. etc., etc.)

  6. Yep, it happens ALL THE TIME.  Trampolines are the second largest claims source on a homeowners policy.

    I don't know of ANY insurance company that will give you coverage, if you have one.

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