
Anyone burnt out from drugs who hates what you let it do to your brain/life/abilities?

by  |  earlier

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I'm drug free( 4 years from pot), and alcohol free(over 2 years now). I did lsd about 20 times, smoked crack about 10 times, did a few lines of coke/crystal meth, popped pills now and then, back then--- but none of these for about 10 years. I hate my life now. Not everything. My social life- I'd rather stay in bed or be in the house alone, I get irritated by people because I can't stand how alot of people aren't real and are just about themselves. I have very few friends, because I don't hang with my party "friends"-- even though a few of them I grew up with before the party days. I hate how I feel physically. I just don't have the energy anymore. I'm only 27( male). I haven't been able to handle stress anymore. Life is just sucking for me. My job has been sucking for about 4 months now, which I never thought would be THIS bad. I have no love life, never really had one I'll admit. I'm not ugly, alot of people say I'm very good looking- even hot, and a great personality. I hate being alone, but I hate being around people, too. I hate what drugs did to my brain-- my concentration is good, not always great. My memory is not the same. I used to be a math whiz, and I'm nowhere near that-- I just can't count in my head like I used too. My coordination is nowhere near as good- I used to be good at baseball( better than average). When I read it's not as fast- like my eyes don't move as good, and I can't remember as much of what I read. I have no license for 10 years---- drunk driving(no bad comments please). So I have a scooter now. I blame myself for everything, I'm really hard on myself. I blame the drugs and alcohol too. I just want to be the person I was supposed to be. I hate myself now, because I have to deal with it. It may not seem that bad, but it is to me. I feel like I'm less alert. I still like myself, but it's like the next minute, I hate myself. I'm not always like this, it's like a circle. Anyway, what do you have to say?




  1. hey it's like i'm looking in a mirror, but years on

    been there but do you want to at least find some joy then you have to

    give yourself a break and change slowly

    i have accepted that i'm a loner and quite enjoy it now (even though i'm very hot) i just haven't the energy or need to be with anyone

    i found a job that i am good at and that i like going to

    some days are bad and i just accept it

    sometimes you find a bit of joy here and there and that's great

    i have 2 dogs & that's enough

    while you are still fragile my humble advice is to live a simple stress free lifestyle which requires you to be assertive in what you want to do and not want to do & look after your health, walking in a nice environment or other enjoyable activity will get the natural highs happening good luck mate

  2. I'm really not trying to be mean here and I'm sorry for being so blunt, but I feel I have to comment that even if you are very good looking it's no surprise you have no love life if you don't at 27 years old even have a drivers license and a car. Are you going to pick up that hot girl you just met on your scooter?

  3. i suffer permanent physical affects everyday of my life and little or no social life,i know how u feel ,you r not alone

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