
Anyone buying this global warming nonsense?

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I agree that pollution gives us bad air but it's not dooming the planet. The climate changes are just part of another phase we're going through. The Earth was a big block of ice not long back.




  1. From what I have read over the last few years only most of the worlds climate scientists and depending on the country 80-90% of the worlds population, although the U.S. is a bit lower but still around 75% hardly anyone then!

    based on pew polls

  2. I "buy this 'nonsense'".

    The majority of people in this forum "buy this 'nonsense'".

    As Next points out, several thousands of eminent scientists "buy this 'nonsense'".

    As Grant says, the leaders of the world's largest economies "buy this 'nonsense'".

    Top climatologists & specialists in the subject (not just those with a BSc that the skeptics call ‘scientists’) "buy this 'nonsense'".

    The UN, WMO and UNEP "buy this 'nonsense'".

    The Nobel Peace Prize committee "buy this 'nonsense'".

    113 governments who signed off on the IPCC report "buy this 'nonsense'".

    NATO, the EU, ASEAN and other major political-military groups "buy this 'nonsense'".

    The World Bank, IMF, IECD, OECD and other global financial institutions "buy this 'nonsense'".

    The directors and shareholders of most major corporations, including Fortune 500 companies (with the notable exception of those whose business depends on denying GW) "buy this 'nonsense'".

    You and "Patriot" P don't buy it...

    Answer your question?

  3. No I am not buying it. I mean they do not know how the weather was like 10,000 years ago. They are only going based on the weather for a short amout of years. They do not know how the weather was like a million years ago.

  4. Yes, tragically.

  5. You can choose not to 'buy' into AGW.  All you have to do is get Cheney to delete and censor the FACTS about the health risks from AGW!  

    Did you know that during the Ice Age, the Tropics were sweltering ,while the North was covered  in ice?  Along the 'front' where the 'cold' met the 'hot', there were tremendous storms,and bizzare weather!

  6. Nope. Don't buy it.

  7. You mean other than the leaders of the G8 ( Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, the United Kingdom, and the United States) who have just agreed following a three-day summit in northern Japan to cut carbon emissions blamed for global warming by at least half by 2050?

  8. I'm still waiting for the Ice Age scientists were calling for in the mid-70's.

  9. There are "several thousand" climate-cause research scientists in the world???  I think not!

  10. Only the "brain-dead" followers of Al Gore & Co., who want all of every "stupid" person's money!

    What do you get when you throw money at Global Warming?

    A smaller bank account!

  11. Yeah, I buy this nonsense.

    Also, I believe that this was supposed to happen, like what you're saying with the the climate changes, just not this fast. Anyone who says that something bad isn't happening to our planet obliviously isn't checking the news. The weather has been getting worst over these past few years, with all these storms and everything. Also, those who say that Global Warming isn't real because it's snowing in some places during the Summer when it's supposed to heat up, they're wrong. The rising of the worlds average temperature just by 1 degree would cause more severe and a lot more storms so that wouldn't be proof against Global Warming. Also, the ice caps are melting quicker each and every year, which is really bad. The ozone layer is getting weaker, too. It's the reason that most of the sun rays aren't getting to Earth. If it's getting weaker, that means more of the suns rays would escape past to Earth, and a little sun is great, but we don't need anymore. By the way, most likely the reason the ozone is getting weaker is because of  pollution that apparently wont harm us in the way of dooming the planet.

    I'm not going to insult you or something because you don't believe in Global Warming. I'm used to this because one of my friends is a firm believer that global warming doesn't exist. I will say, however, know the facts.

  12. Uhmm... for me i believe what others call global warming since then. It's true that people have different beliefs but for me global warming is true. What you say is another phase is a bit difficult to believe the changing of the climate is because of what we've done.. polluting the surroundings.. CFC's and many other things that destroy the earth.. that's what global warming means... if we don't do anything to stop it I'm sure that one day when you wake up you'll see many disasters... if we don't act now who will? So please I'm not telling you to instantly believe in global warming but look around are the signs not yet enough to prove what's happening to our one and only planet.. open your eyes and stop playing as though you were blind not to see it's effects.. That's all hope what i said didn't offend you.. :-)

  13. you right, man made pollution won't destroy our planet.

    and not one said it will.

    we worry that it will destroy ourself. that is the point!

  14. I'm buying it. Several thousand good scientists, with 5 years study and 10 to 20 years research under their belts, have put together what they know, to come up with the global warming picture. That's about 300,000 man-years of research.

    What are YOUR qualifications for saying what you're saying?


    one way science works is by scientists disproving parts of each other's theories until they get refined to a point of precision everyone agrees on.

    What are your qualifications to judge which of those studies were right, and which wrong? scientists at least give footnotes referring to their sources.

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