
Anyone can drop a guy or make him puke by punching him right in his bellybutton instead of his solar plexus?

by  |  earlier

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Why did you decide to aim your fist at his navel instead of solar plexus? Did you see it land right on target, if not how do you know you did not miss instead?

It should be impossible since there is nothing behind the bellybutton except intestines, but someone claimed he made a guy roll in pain and even vomit.




  1. I'm pretty sure I could drop you and make you puke if I punched you in your bellybutton.  

  2. why do you KEEP asking theese strange questions why would you want to do this???

  3. You need to focus your 'chi' into his intestines to shatter/burst them. This is easier if the guy has eaten a big meal.

    Or you can use 'dragon' fist by extending the middle finger out slightly ahead of the other fingers in a clenched fist.

    Plus you need to practise with a punching bag.

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