
Anyone can drop a guy or make him puke by punching him right in his navel instead of his solar plexus?

by  |  earlier

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Why did you decide to aim your fist at his navel instead of solar plexus? Did you see it land right on target, if not how do you know you did not miss instead?

It should be impossible since there is nothing behind the bellybutton except intestines, but someone claimed he made a guy roll in pain and even vomit




  1. yeah u can make a guy drop by hitting them in the solar plexus.  u know that if you hit a person in the solar plexus as hard as you can, u could kill him.

  2. I have attached pictures of a lot of people who I punched in the navel - you will notice that most of them are vomiting.

    Please stop asking this question - go spar with some of your friends and eventually you will discover when/where you can hit someone to make them vomit.

    Good luck.

  3. Right!

  4. You can kill a person by punching them in the navel - it can cause fatal laceration and hemorrhage of the mesentery (a membrane that attaches the intestines to the abdominal wall).

    Blunt injuries to the abdomen can be very serious.

    You can also rupture the descending aorta, which is behind the intestines.

    What makes you think being punched in the gut won't hurt you? Some people drop & puke from pain alone.

  5. Hmm.....If you do it at the right angle you should be in pain and puke.

    I have done it before...he-he...


  6. I would never go for a shot to the navel. Isn't this like the 20th time you have asked this question? Is this a fetish with you, and you get pleasure from thinking about it? What's the deal?

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