
Anyone can help it is urgent please?

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I am unable to setup my priorities, I am 27 years old, I work in IT field, I have many things I would like to do such as continue my education (MBA) but i did not start yes, buying a house, getting married, travel and visit some countries for tourism just know to about other civilizations, and develop my knowledge in my field by taking some courses, I do not know what shall I do, in addition the money I have does not cover all of this , so I have to select amongst them, what do you think ?




  1. you should start off by getting started with ur degree, then ur career, which will support ur traveling, in the meantime put money aside for ur house. after u get ur travels out of the way, start with ur relationship (marraige) and the two of u can decide in the purchase of ur house. have fun, while ur still young and don't have many responsibilities.

    good luck!

  2. Well you need a job to get a mortgage to buy a house.

    You can be a tourist in your holidays from your job.

    Your MBA can be done on a correspondence course so that it does not interfere with working.

    The fundamental esssential ingredient is money which requires work then the other things are possible.

  3. Work hard and save lots of money. Buying a house and travelling can wait 'till you're married. But I suggest you earn and save lots 'till you have a steady job and income, enough to provide for a family and then you can get married. But you had better hurry. Time passes very quickly and it is not too good to marry late. Work hard and all the best.

    Hope that my information helped! :)

  4. Do you want a life rich in experience or rich in "stuff"?

    As I have gotten older I find these two things to be very much in conflict (unless you are super-rich I guess!).

    I had a well paid career in IT with great earning potential when I was about your age and newly married. I am now 41, have three children and the career has long since done a runner.

    If I was back where you are now I would chuck the job, travel the world, work my way round it if need be and experience everything I possibly could before even thinking about settling down with a man, a mortgage and children. All these things are great, don't get me wrong, I love my life and am currently back studying for a degree in something completely alien to IT. I just mourn the life I could have had before I had this one!

  5. The truth is we people are all throwin into this very unexpected thing called "Being" with only one life to live - and you need to decide what it is you really want to do in this life and just do it. Choosing one thing may mean you won't get to do another thing, that's just the way it is. Some of us are very lucky in this day and age, being healthy, wealthy and educated enough not to be stuck with our circumstances & you sound like one of those people with no constraints and many options to choose from. In this case you need to think carefully about just why it is you are here (keeping in mind that quite likely you are not here for any particular reason at all) and having accepted that, think about what you want to achieve while you are here; and plan accordingly.

  6. Education comes first !

    all the rest  will follow !

  7. Studies and career bring financial security, then buying a house and getting married will bring a general stability in your life. I think you can enjoy travels during all these phases of your life and even more if you have someone to share together the excitement of going to a foreign country and meeting new people and learning about other civilizations.

  8. don't say where you live, but if you live in the USA, I'd offer this advice.

    1. Travel and visit some countries for tourism:  That's a great dream for anyone to pursue and it is best made a reality when you are young and frankly a bit reckless.  As you age you find you have less "mad money" for travel and the length of time you have available to devote to travel is shorter due to work and family demands.  See the world now, while you can risk a little and be adventurous.  You can do this throughout your life, but if you haven't traveled at all yet, it's a great experience to have.  I delayed travel at your age for "practical" concerns and I've regretted it ever since.  No one ever says they wish they hadn't seen the world.

    2. Continue your education:  This one only gets harder to do as you get older and are longer in the workforce.  Doing it will put you in a better income position later, which will help you pursue the other goals on your list.  As you get older your ability to live like a student diminishes, as do your brain cells for studying and writing a thesis.  I say, see the world a bit, then do Grad School--a lot of employers will even pay for it!

    3. Buying a house:  I'd start saving for this one, but it wouldn't be my prime priority.  With the housing market being what it is at present now is not the BEST time to buy but it's definitely more of a buyer's marketplace.  Save up the downpayment and get your finances in order so that after seeing the world, doing grad school and finding that great job it will be a piece of cake to manage.

    As far as "getting married" you even have a likely candidate lined up?  If you're single and looking, wait until you've seen the world and started grad school for this one.  If you're dating someone seriously...well you know better than I if they are the "one".   I got married right out of college and I do regret not having kids when I was a bit younger (we put that off until we were both in our 30's), but not as much as I regret not travelling, not saving for a home and not pursuing a graduate degree.

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