
Anyone can suggest a good business and profitable one?

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Anyone can suggest a good business and profitable one?




  1. a local coffee roaster / coffee house with live bands/entertainment

    anything in the weddings/babies business (wedding caterer, wedding invitations & baby announcements, photographer, etc. - - look through Bride magazine for more ideas!)

    import a product or buy it wholesale and resell it (Wal-Mart makes a billion dollars a day, basically doing this!)

    Hope that helps!

  2. Apple Computers is both a good business and very profitable

  3. In my opinion, a good business would be any business that you have a passion in the items you are selling, or the services.  As far as it being profitable would depend on how well you build your own business.  One business for one owner could be very profitable, but the same business for another owner could be a total disaster.  It all depends on how you build your business and if you work it or not. You can't rely on how well someone else's business is going to do and compare it to what you want to do with it.  If you want your business to be where that other person is, you better start talking to that person and find out how they made their business successful.  That's the only way you will have a successful business is by learning from other successful business people.

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