
Anyone can teach me how to transfer video files from Video Cam... my camera is Sony DCR TRV-330? please...?

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Anyone can teach me how to transfer video files from Video Cam... my camera is Sony DCR TRV-330? please...?




  1. You've got a Digital 8 camcorder, so you need to transfer via firewire.  If your PC hasn't already got a firewire card they're readily available, cheap and easy to install.  You just need to connect your camcorder to the PC with a firewire cable, switch the camcorder to playback and then you can capture your footage with a capture app.  Windows Movie Maker may be able to do it, but I don't think it can - you'll need to google for capture apps and see which one works for you.  Have a look at the free version of Scenalyzer.

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