
Anyone can tell me about an automated forex trading software and specify how much profit and investment made?

by  |  earlier

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I have about $2000 and I have never traded in any way before.Thanks in advance




  1. To know more about      

    Forex Trading                          

    please feel free to visit

  2. Mr Adam, if you never traded in anyone ex. forex or stock, I want to suggeest for you, you must learn different traded in margin or options. i think anyone suggest for you to margin trading.

    My experiend , margin trading very high risk because you equity maybe loss all. Maybe you want to use automated forex trading software, but in my experient maybe loss all your equity posible. I have automated forex trading software have use 4 year with accurated 80%-85%.

    Now I use trading this sofyware for analysis stock option trading, and very effective, why I am moving from margin trading to option tarding, because in the options trading if i loss, my equity always save. I always suggest to my investor, if you want to save in trading you can choise option trading.

    Until now, money from investors save.

    if you want khow about option trading you can chart with me in (yahoo massanger)

  3. I would suggest you invest in a forex robot which comes with an instruction booklet then.

    I started off by using "Forex Autopilot" which is basically a piece of software which automates the whole trading process AND has an instructional manual which tells you the ins-and-outs of forex.

    It was a great foundation for me to make some nice early profits (and I only had $100 to play with).

    You can see a full review here:

    Good luck!!

  4. I suggest that first you read up as much as you can.  Then you can open an account.  

    Get some good forex trading software.  If you want to do autopilot, then choose one of those.  If not get one like Forex Killer.  Then practice on paper trades or mini trades until you are comfortable using your software.  You will learn while you trade on paper or do mini trades.

  5. To know more about forex trading

    please feel free to visit

  6. Take a look at Forex Tracer here:

    Good luck!

  7. Ok,I suggest nice automated forex software,which automatically stops on loss and proceeds on profits,Now i am using this automated software daily i work as 1 hr and earning  More than i want.If you want this golden duck then see my blog.

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