
Anyone cn giv me a sample of letter requesting my records in school? tnxs?

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Anyone cn giv me a sample of letter requesting my records in school? tnxs?




  1. "I am granting permission for you to release my school records ftom (name of school) to (name and address of where you want them sent--also phone and FAX # is good)."

    If you are over 18, you must sign for release. Under 18? A parent/guardian must sign.

    "My full name when I attended (name of school) was (give full name). Other names that I may have records under are (include this only if you have records in a differnt name--like a maiden name, etc.)"

    "I attended (name of school) from (dates of enrollment)."

    "My birth date is _______.

    My social security number is _______.

    (Also put student id # if you have it.)"

    Include your old address and your parent/guardian's name if these are records that you had when you were in school a long time ago. If your records are old, also give more information to find them, like last grade completed, etc.

    "My current contact information is (name, address, phone).

    Thank you."

    You need to call the school to find out if there is a fee. Otherwise, make sure you ask them to call you to tell you if there is a fee. Fees are not usual for tranferring from one public elementary or high school to another, but there may be a fee (usually $3 to $10 or so) for old records or transcripts.

    "My current contact information is (name, address, phone).

    Thank you."

    Going to a school's website to get informartion is a good idea. Call them also. This way you will know exactly which person should get your request.

    Try to be patient. In many schools, staff are very busy with current students, probably working overtime. If you can wait until a time when a new school year is not starting, more people will be available to help you.

    To review, you need to include

    1) a statement of permission to release the record,

    2) as much information as possible to help find the right record,

    3) where you want it sent,

    4) payment if required.

  2. Letter Writing Rules.

    I can help with the format but not the content.

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