
Anyone commnicate with aliens using telepathy.?

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Anyone commnicate with aliens using telepathy like i do.I would like to compare simalarities between my commnications and yours.




  1. Who knows...maybe spirits are really aliens....or maybe aliens are really spirits! I think we're pretty good at communicating from our side...everytime the car won't start and we call out for help(even tho no one is there)...or when we're trying to find a parking space..or when we're in pain and call out for help and on and on and on. It's when they communicate back to us that seems to startle everyone. Seems like if you didn't expect an wouldn't call out to someone you can't see.

  2. Absolutely.

  3. What do they have to say?

    And why did they happen to pick you to communicate with?

  4. Communication does not , has never, and never will exist so you will never be able to "communicate" with aliens (or anything else) using telepathy or any other kind of magic/pseudoscience like telephones or computers.

    I once dreamed that communication was possible as well but then YA failed to provide any support for the idea despite multiple attempts.


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