
Anyone could do me my birthchart and tell me what it means!?

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born. oct 5,1992 at 7:30 am. los angeles CA




  1. You are Libra rising @ 19 degrees, Libra Sun @ 12 degrees. Aquarius moon at 4 degrees.  Do you ever stop writing( texting), talking, moving or expressing yourself in some way?  LOL !!!  You may have some challenge in your home life with your mother( through no fault of her own) but it is one of those tasks that are given to some people early  but it makes them stronger and better !   Maybe the burden of helping with younger siblings falls on you or you might be one of those kids who slips through the cracks in a big family.  Whatever it is, your chart says this is to your benefit   ( your part of fortune is conjunct your saturn in the 4th house  with your moon--this is astrologer talk)..  The male energy in your life may be a problem so be very careful whom you marry ( Aries is possible just make sure it is the non afflicted Aries or and realize that there will be some creative conflicts in the relationship and that controlling him so that you feel secure will be impossible for both of you to bear)  

    You are probably very attractive, personable and attract admiration from the opposite s*x...You will need to learn to discern  who is the right male to hang with...This will be very important life task because whether you are successful or not will rest on this.    I say this because you have a strong Venus well placed but you have a t square to  your 12th house sun from mars in the 9th house cancer ( weak mars but it is in 10 degrees of your midheaven ) and from neptune

    in the 3rd house Capricorn.  So thise won't be very clear to you even when you live out the lessons...but hopefully being with the right partner will help.    Good luck.  It looks as if for the next 13 to 14 years you will be doing a lot of inner work and consolidating and setting up what you want to do in life ( maybe going to graduate school after high school and college)  But when you are 29-30 y/old you will be ready to

    emerge more outwardly.  LA.  film work internship???  possible...

  2. Do you know it takes about 5 hours to really do a birthchart properly?

    3, 4, hours of prep work and 90 minutes to deliver the reading


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