
Anyone dealt with lower back pain with shooting pains progressively further up and down the body?

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I don't know how much history I should ramble on with this question. I am 26, have had 4 children (youngest 8 wks old). I have lower back pain, that started shooting into my knees when i bent over, then up into my neck, now this morning it was shooting straight up through to my chin, now up to the top of my head tonight, and sometimes down into my feet. It's really horrid, and never ending headaches, sometimes escalating into migrains (which are normal for me). I had an epidural in preparation for an emergency cesearian and I've read nerve damage can happen. Also, about 2 yrs ago I had 10 seizures in one day (long story) and I was worried it could originate back to that since the back pain (not shooting pains) went through the pregancy. Or, just pregnancy itself, or 19 hr back labor. BUT no freaking dr's will help me! My reg dr's an idiot so I have to switch. He's S L O W L Y referring me to a neurologist for headaches. Another dr sent me in for X rays when I've read it should be an MRI for things like this. I am in a LOT of pain and ER only said go see regular dr and heres a COUPLE pain meds to last til Monday a few weekends ago. Anyone else experienced anything like this, if so what was it, what did you do to fix it or ease the pain? I've seen a chiro, Ive been taking 800 mg Ibuprofen, tylenol, etc but am only allowed Vicodin while breastfeeding and dr's wont prescribe it to me because they think my husband is trying to get it (he got addicted to it once).




  1. Sorry I am to ADD to read the whole outline of your issues.  Hopefully this will help and will not over lap anything stated above.

    My wife had some serious lower back issues it turned out she had a tipped pelvis.  This was adjusted and, with additional minor adjustments and PT she is 100 times better...still has an issue once in a while but she can move around and pick up the kids etc...

  2. Ask for an MRI to find out if you have a ruptured disc. I went through four months of excruciating pain before my docs finally did, now I have to take pain meds round the clock for the permanant damage to the sciatic nerve from having it rubbing on the nerve for so long. I have now had two back surgeries. Good luck, I understand the pain you are in first hand and it is NOT fun! And hide your pills from your husband, ok? Don't even tell him that you have them. Tell no one that "likes" them.

  3. Sciatica. Look it up.

  4. My daughter also suffers with back pain after having 3 epidurals in pregnancy. they should tell people they are going to suffer at a later date but they don't.

    Sounds like you have nerves trapped all over the place if the doctors wont help try, a back pain centre,or acupuncture.

  5. Sounds like you have a problem can't blame the Dr's there are so many addicts faking it to get pills.


    5 PERCENT LIDOCANE PAIN PATCHES THAT you CAN GET  EVEN WITH YIOUR husbands addiction they will give you that.'Also you need either a cat-scan with contrast or a whole body scan with die contrast.or M.R.I.

    good luck.

    PS: get yourself fixed then get your husband to a clinic.

  6. From the sound of your symptoms you could have sciatic problems - I find a chiro excellent help but only you can decide whether you want to travel this way

    I am including a website with information on another condition which may interest you for you to read

    Apparently many women experience headaches after epidural births and it is a common side effect

    Good luck with getting your doctor to listen to you and good health to you and your family

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