
Anyone disappointed with the coverage that 7 has provided of this year's Olympics?

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It is now 9:51pm and there has been ONE track and field event. We have been subjected to re-runs over and over again and it is getting really monotonous. We are also limited to commentary on solely focusing on Australian competitors. I sincerely hope other people voice their disappointment with Channel 7's inept coverage. I didn't watch anything on Channel 7 before, and I sure as h**l won't be after the Olympics. Anyone else feeling the same way?




  1. The SBS button on my remote is nearly worn out!

    The post-event interviews are dreadful. The interviewers are brainless. The repeats are bloody annoying.

    The studio hosts are .... indescribable.

    Yum Cha is ridiculous.

    The endless ads p**s me off.

    The whole thing is an insult to our inteligence. I just wish they would leave it to the ABC and SBS (although SBS ads get annoying too)

    Thank god for the internet.

  2. This is a direct copy of my post in the tamsyn lewis thread but I think equally relevant here.

    "I literally could not believe what I was seeing when the interview dragged on and on and on. Channel 7 could have handled it so much better, given her five minutes to compose herself, asked 1-2 questions maybe and let her go, cut to an ad break and then come back to her (God knows we have had enough ad breaks this Olympics).

    Unfortunately this just adds to another long list of terrible coverage from Channel 7 this Olympics. Advertisements absolutely ridiculously over used, focus and due credit not even given to athletes who win medals such as Andrew Lauterstein in the swim of his life to take bronze in the butterfly. This thrown in with absolutely horrendous coverage such as no mention of the sailing gold medal on television, I only found out by logging on to the internet. And to top it off, you get to see 2 minutes of an event, then it cuts to an ad, then you go to another event for 2 minutes, back to the original event, missing half the games or only providing highlights. An absolute disgrace.

    Goes down as one of, if not the worst interviews I have ever had the misfortune to see an athlete subjected to.

    Channel 7, you are an absolute disgrace, and we can only pray that when London rolls around, another channel has the sense to usurp your ownership of the event."

  3. Oh if only prime offered a different coverage to seven but we in regional areas get the same replay after replay of events Australian's have been successful in. I've got no problem with the focus on Australian competitors, it's obvious seven feels that's what it's job is, but the replays are ridiculous. Instead of replay after replay of medal events, let's see a bit of our athletes competing in events that we here in Australia don't see all that often, and hence, usually not all that successful in. Their story's fairly important as well. 7 usually show a bit of their performance I admit, but a bit of background would be nice, as well as maybe actually seeing who they're competing against. We got to see team handball at Sydney, and the Aussies play against the then world champions. It was fantastic fun to watch. As has happened not only in Athens, but also with other events that no one else has picked up such as Ashes 05 and also their continued coverage of Le Tour, SBS's simple approach of about 3 or less presenters and a bit of international feed is fantastic, as it's mainly team sports from go to woe.  

  4. Well smarties tonight is your lucky night lol. There is a place where you can have your say about the olympics. Its on the yahoo au site and it should be up where the head news is. That should help you  

  5. The coverage has been appaling. I wish I knew where I could complain to.  Why can't they show more of the other events instead of giving us re-runs of stuff everyone has watched!  

  6. I agree with all of your comments. My two biggest complaints are the total lack of excitement in the swimming calls by Bruce. I bet he won't be so subdued when the athletics are really up & running. The other is we are never told if we are seeing live coverage. Anyone agree?

  7. Yes! I am VERY over swimming repeates. Especially through other sports. Show an event once and be done with it. If it's that great i'll stream it on the internet or watch it on the news.

    AND they promised live streaming on the internet. Never happened.

    AND they never ever show anything interesting or obscure, like fencing, or wrestling or handball?

    AND they have a heartless b*****d of a reporter on athletics, who instead of telling Tamsyn Lewis that we're all proud of her, and know she put in 110%, he completely ignored her crying, and apologising to australia, and went on about some drug issue! Very unimpressed.

    Go SBS.  

  8. there are more than swimmers at beijing, what about the other sports, its all about ratings isn't it. sbs has more coverage at least we dont watch the same s___ over and over

  9. Disappointed isn't strong enough.  I am thoroughly disgusted.  I have seen the Michael Phelps replay 3 times today.  The bloke is awesome but there are live games happening that we are missing.  I have seen 3 minutes of the women's softball today.

    For shame Ch 7.

  10. A good part of this afternoon on beach volleyball and hours at nite for several nites now. Surely there are other sports which would command a greater audience than beach volleyball? What a waste of electricity for my TV - I only left it on hoping Seven will show something else.

  11. I totally agree, there never actually seems to be anything on!

  12. I agree with "abcdefg".....i feel so sorry for Tamsyn Lewis! Pat Welch should be ashamed of himself!!! If I was Tamsyn I would have told him to stick it and just walked off!!

  13. Hmmm.. well.. a little bit tired over the fact that if the sport does not have Australians with chances of medals in it then we dont broadcast it!!!

    Obviously the tennis doubles FINAL is not important enough to cover... only swedes and swiss people in that one!!!

    I know that we live in australia but seriously... there are other nationalities in this country as well....  

  14. There is still SBS and Prime.

    Yes, I think 7 did an abyssmal job with their coverage.

  15. yes. i was looking 4ward 2 watching the hockey, but channel 7 showed the very boring swimming heats which featured no australians at all.

    they also showed an olympic bloopers highlight reel which also i felt was competely uncalled 4. these altheltes have trained all their lives 4 this moment and when an unfortunate slip-up occurs there'd b shattered. and 4 7 2 mock them is just an absolute disgrace.

    also ad breaks in the middle of games are very annoying. u'd think they'd take the breaks during half-time or time-outs but their a joke

    im just glad 9 has the rights 4 the 2012 games =]

  16. I am very disappointed with the telecast from channel 7. Alot of the telecast appears not to be live (have seen results on Fox Sports News before 7 even show it). Am sick & tired of seeing the same replays over & over again. And for the Hosts/commentators, dont get me started with them. Hope channel 9 do a better job in 4 years time. Sick of seeing so many bloody ads too!!

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