
Anyone dislike ITV's coverage of F1?

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Well, not really F1 but just of the EXTREME Lewis Hamilton bias? His name is mentioned all the time - more so than, if he retires, the person who wins the race. It really annoys me.




  1. The Germans did it with Schumacher. they are just being patriotic.

    I do know what you mean though, there are 19 other drivers. really and truthfully its mainly the adverts I have to complain about. everything is as good as it gets after Murray.

  2. I never really liked the ITV coverage well before Hamilton was on the scene. They miss all the good parts of the race.

  3. no i think they provide good race build up (1 hour b4 the race) and cover the GP well, i like the presenters and commentators its just the ads i dont like.

  4. It is a little bit biased but we are in Britian and he is the best British driver we have at the moment, and has the best chance of winning something! Martin Brundle is a legend on the grid though, just pushes his way in!

    The adverts are a bit annoying though, especially if something happens during them! :o)

  5. Too many ads in the wrong places for me.  

    Roll on next year back to BBC1

  6. The BBC are axing all of the ITV team except either martin brundle or Mark Blundell, i'm not sure which one.

    Someone at work sent me the link where the ITV team answers viewers questions. Here one for James Allen:

    Q:"I’ve just been reading your Canadian GP verdict and I'd like to ask a question on your 'Figure that one out' statement when comparing Hamilton’s Canada incident to Raikkonen's collision with Sutil at Monaco, and the respective actions of the stewards. Don't you think losing control of your car in difficult track conditions is totally different to driving down the pit lane and not observing the necessary safety signals or seeing stationary cars?"

    Paul Taylor

    Blackwood Wales

    James Allen's answer:

    "Hello Paul,

    I’ve had quite a lot of questions on this theme and thank you for yours.

    I didn’t express myself all that brilliantly in the original piece after the race. "

    I'll bet he wasn't really thankful.

  7. Yeah that James Allen is real g*y for Lewis.  Also, they cut off drivers post race interviews so an old man and an ex racing driver can share their feelings and opinions on the race.

  8. Personally, i can't wait for next year when it goes to the BBC.  They are totally biased towards Hamilton - always talking about how wonderful he is (or how they think he is!), how a certain situation will benefit him or how he's been unfairly treated.  Even when they are about to go to adverts, its his face thats on screen.  At the end of last year when they had a look back at the season, they spent 20 mins on Hamilton and less that 5 on Raikkonen - World Champion!  I've stoppped watching the hour run up to the race now as it winds me up so much.  I just hope the BBC don't make the same mistake!

  9. Only because they always go on and on about Hamilton. I know it's patriotism or whatever but bear in mind that their telecast is also picked up by other countries and people would love to hear about the other 19 drivers too. There wasn't this problem before Hamilton came. BUt the year before he joined F1, they were already mentioning his triumphs in GP2. Guess I should've saw that coming

    Another thing is one of the commentators, I'm not sure if it's Allen or Brundle. Sometimes when something is happening, he keeps talking about something else.

  10. Its a bit annoying but it was the same when Button, DC or Damon Hill were the "best" British drivers, over the top patriotism, nothing more nothing less.

  11. I like the features that they have, the fact that they show qualifying and have a good build up pre race.  Only thing that spoils it is the ad breaks, over exposure of Hamilton and the buffon (everybody knows who I mean).

    The BBC will have to go a long way to get better coverage as their effort before was pretty poor at times, with no build up and cutting away straight after the race, they rarely showed qualifying too

  12. The only thing we don't like is that little freek, Bernie eklestone. Who has messed up f1. He has been bought by polotics and buisness. He cut grooves in the tyres to slow the cars down around corners instead of getting rid of a stone wall that somone crashed into. I say get rid of that little freek.-

  13. James Allen, get rid of him. Nothing will change next year at the beeb, especially if they keep James Allen.

    The only reason the beeb are paying out for F1 again is because there is an english driver with a chance of challenging for the title, so if you think there will be less bias towards Lewis Hamilton you are dreaming.

  14. Ye I HATE it when they cut the top three drivers comments at the end of the race unless Hamilton is in the top three.

    They will be abit Hamilton bias because its a British driver and a British channel.

    There is to many adverts on ITV but I can put up with it. When I have been in Italy and watched it its great one advert will pop on and then straight back to the race, its great.

    And I have to say James Allen is a prat.

  15. its because they haven't had a British driver completing for tittle in a long time.

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