
Anyone doing 2nd trimester screening?

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I opted out of doing any screening during my first pregnancy and the 1st trimester of this one. I'm actually thinking about doing screening for the 2nd trimester. I'm 30 and my hubbie's 35. what do you think?




  1. I didnt do either with my son 4 years ago and this time around I did the one for te 1st trimester but didnt do the 2nd trimester screesing.  Really I think that at long as you have faith and that you plan on keeping your baby anyway it doesnt matter what the test says (meaning you shouldnt get it done) Us preggo women have enough to be worried about you dont need to add anything else on to your plate.  Stay positive and keep your faith in god and your faith in god you and your baby will be just fine.

  2. I'm over 30 and opted out for my last 2 pregnancies. I received a false positive on another pregnancy and was freaked out for 6 months. If I had done the screening on my last 2 pregnancies and found out anything was wrong, I would not have aborted anyhow. So, after talking with my doctor, what was the point of testing? The only test I did do was an ultrasound at 20 weeks and the diabetes screen. Both babies were fine.

  3. I'm young and so is my hubby (23 & 22). ive read a lot about false positives, and i just couldn't bare going through the rest of my pregnancy thinking negatively! i also declined

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