
Anyone done a classroom portfolio for accreditation?

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I'm putting mine together and was wondering how detailed to make it. Do I have to show pictures for everything or can I just describe how I meet the standards? Do I need to put a month's worth of lesson plans in each section that I mention them? Any help would be nice? thanks




  1. For my portfolio I had to do a number of things.

    1 months worth of lesson plans

    4 theme boxes one for each week

    Notebook for parent resources.

    display to go along with each theme box

    library of children's book at least 25

    Notebook of the standards and section off in the notebook how you meet each one.

    best of luck email if you need anything else.

  2. The more detail the better.  Real life pictures of your classroom would  be good. That clarifies each standard better , together with the written part.   That way you would be able to show what you actually do with children already.  In regards to lesson plans it should be a months worth that you include in relation to your curriculum.  Having parent interviews or parent statement in your portfolio would also help.  Good Luck in your accreditation process.

  3. If it is NAEYC accred. this is what my center has in classroom portfolios:

    - anything that illustrates parent involvement (parent night/ family breakfast photos, anything parents helped out with for the center etc)

    - anything that illustrates involvement with the community (we are part of a university so we included any time we went for a walk around campus, toured a building, had firefighters visit, had a teacher show kids sign language) include fliers you may give to parents involving community activities

    - something documenting each area of development (we do child portfoilos so we pulled stuff from there)

    - document multicultural experiences such as: various music shared, family photo displays, bulletin boards with mulicultural themes etc.

    hope this helps!

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