
Anyone done a weegie/ obweegee bord?

by  |  earlier

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give me stories!!!




  1. no and i don't want to. my mum knew someone who did and they got possessed.

  2. i gave someone a wedgy

  3. yeah but we were all messing around too much so it dint work

  4. Ouiji board is how it's spelt lol! and no I am not silly enough!

  5. yes, my friends and I used to get drunk and pull that thing out. lol

  6. I think there's one still in the basement that my daughters left behind when they grew up and moved out on their own.

  7. Once when I was much younger.

    I felt stupid pretending to get spiritual advice from Milton-Bradley.

  8. Ouija do you mean?


    Oh you want stories

    When we did it we had the home made Ouija board and a black magic book which we summoned up a demon, We didn't have a live sacrifice so we used a frozen mouse which was intended to feed our snake. We read the reading for the demon then asked the board if anyone was there. Nothing happened with the board but myself and one of the people who were with me noticed a small glowing ball float towards the ceiling and then disappear. The candles we were using were white tea light candles and three of them turned red. The red looked like blood which had sank to the bottom. We all blamed each other for it and still to this day don't know what happened but for a few months after that i kept finding mud in the house, sometimes there was loads of it but i don't know where it had come from as we didn't have any potted plants and we only had concrete in the yard.

    Strange but true and it freaked me out, haven't done one since.

  9. Nope, never done a ouija board before in my life.

  10. my dad did when he was young and he said it spelt the name of a boy who died recently

  11. Ouija. Oui is the French word for yes, and ja is the German word for yes. It's pronounced wee-ja. Not wee-gee. Ouija. And yes, I have.

  12. it doesn't work and i have used it it is by far the stupidest think ever invented just stupid it is blasphemous and heresy

  13. yeah I done one once and I will never do it again , and dont advise for anyone to do one either, when I did it I wanted to stop but it wouldnt go away it kept spelling out it wanted to take me with it....and we couldnt take our fingers of because apparently that is bad.... well there you go my little experience of them......dont do it!!! its horrid!

  14. Not me but I;ve heard lots of stories but I take them with a pinch of salt  

    this is quite interesting

  15. ouija board and yes but i never had any scary stories

  16. I believe you mean "Ouija board" lol

    A Ouija board is not a toy. It is not something to be taken lightly.

    You can open doors which you cannot close. You can encounter mischevious beings that lie about their identity.

    Don't do it man! lol

    Seriously. Don't.

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