
Anyone down South experiencing bad weather from the Hurricane that can tell us what it's like?

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I live up in Michigan but I've been closely following the Hurricane. They say it's a category 4 right now but I'm not sure if they think it's going to get worse or calm down. I'm really hoping that everyone is okay and that it is nothing like Hurricane Katrina. I just have this gut feeling that it won't get that bad. If you live down there, have you been evacutated or are possibly facing evacuation? Is it really windy and raining? I was in a Hurricane back in the 70's when we had a place in South Padre Island but I was just a little kid. I remember it was bad though. Once again, my thoughts are with everyone down there and I'm hoping that everything will be fine.




  1. As of now there is still no direct path. They are putting a wide hurricane watch from High Island,Tx to AL. They will know more tomorrow(sun) once it passes more from Cuba. There have even been reports that it "could" go to a Cat 5..time will tell. As far as evacuations nothing around here(houston,tx) but the Mayor in New Orleans has made it mandatory today. Traffic is gridlock because people are listening and leaving "this" time. Plus the levees and dam have not been put to a test. Thanks for your question and thoughts!

  2. Truth is, the Locals here say this one could be much worse than Katrina, because of the fact that it will be over the warmer, deeper gulf waters for longer than Katrina was. Katrina caused miles and miles of damage to the point of leaving nothing but foudation slabs all along the southern coast of the United States. Currently, 10 pm EST the forcasted track is west of New Orleans, which is especially bad being the worst side of a Hurricane is the northeast quadrant. Storm surge in Cuba earlier today was 16-18' @ 160 mph sustained winds- and now back into the open waters, strengthening is going to happen because all the variables that contribute to strengthening are in  place. The kind of storm it will be when it makes landfall will be the wiping-you-off- the-map kind....PRAY HARDER!

  3. I live in Opelousas, La, which is about 200 miles inland. So far, there is NO winds, rain or anything! Of course, the storm is still in the Gulf, so it won't happen until late Sun. night or Monday when we start to actually feel something. It's very scary going through a hurricane, but at the same time, it's a thrill to me because I'm into that sorta thing..something about the Power of God that thrills me..I'm weird :] But I do pray for those who do get the worse of it and I wish everyone the best!!

  4. well people have been evacuating since thursday and before i left there wasn't a cloud in sight which is usually the way it i before any big storm mandatory evacuation won't be declared til tomorrow and i don't think it will be as bad as with katrina but i thank you for asking rather than say why are we constantly going back there and i heard that it would weaken by time it gets closer to the states  

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