
Anyone download Ann Sieg's The Renegade Network Marketer F.REE 143 pages pdf from thewellnesscompany. org??

by Guest34145  |  earlier

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The Renegade University by Mike Klinger can help you setup your Attraction Marketing System and for a limited time only you can download the entire Ann Sieg's book from the 100% free training videos area. This is for those who have already invested in Magnetic Sponsoring, MLM Goldmine, or still have doubts about investing in The Renegade Network Marketer System. Anyone else tried this training yet?




  1. I have downloaded the e-book and I highly recommend it to others. If you would like me to share more about my experiences I would be delighted. The Renegade System is far different then Magnetic Sponsoring and MLM Goldmine.

    Best Regards!

  2. I owe my MLM success to the Renegade.

    I've learned to have these essential 4 things all set up and running in harmony.

    1. My MLM Prospecting: I use SiteBuildIt to create my websites. There is nothing better.

    2. For getting MLM Referrals: An online/offline support tool for getting referrals for network marketers. This suits people from all companies. You also need to effectively follow-up with customers, prospects and distributors. And the most effective (and efficient) follow-up method for ANY business (but particularly MLM) is sending postcards and greeting cards. This one thing does it all. Need proof? - Take a free trial and you will see what I mean.

    3. My Online Follow-up: Online follow up and the sequencing of timely reminders to stay on top of your relationship building strategies is handled by Oprius. You can take a free trial of this system here.

    4. MLM Training: All handled in the Renegade Network Marketer. Don’t attempt modern day InterNet-work MARKETING without this essential training.

    There is some free Renegade help from

    But those other programs (Magnetic Sponsoring and MLM Goldmine) I sent back for a refund. You dont really need anything else.

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