
Anyone ?!!?easy 1o points?

by  |  earlier

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so i have friends at school but in church theirs alot of girls and they all think im really quiet so they wont talk to me waht should i do?




  1. Try to relax around them a little. I have the same problem, but I've found that people always warm up to me pretty quickly if I take an opportunity to crack a joke or say something witty. It makes people perceive you as more confident, and see that you may not talk constantly but it doesn't mean your shy.

  2. maybe they think you're quiet because you are.

    i get that too, i think i'm quiet.

    just talk to them, join in on their conversation and things should start

  3. If you see an opportunity to join in some kind of discussion, take it.

    Or invite a friend to come to church with you.

    Then you might be more comfortable around them, and sometimes that helps...

  4. Talk to them?

  5. Just go and start talking to them. Don't be afraid to be yourself.

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