
Anyone else 20w or 21w? hows your pregnancy going?

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I am 20w4d pregnant with my son Joshua and I just could not be happier! my pregnancy has been going well. the first 3 months were kinda.... blah lol. but has been great since then. I have felt him move every so often it has been getting stronger. no kicks yet. but soon I am sure. I have been having cravings for sweets and Mexican food (which is funny cause I do not like Mexican food) and I pee soooooooo much lol. Anyways my question is just asking anyone else who is about this far along, what you're going through, how your pregnancy is going and when you are due! I am due January 20th!




  1. Yea I felt my first kicks like two weeks ago. I find out what I'm having next Wednesday. My cravings are gone for some reason. But I do have to pee a lot, I eat a lot..and foods I use to love are now like my worst enemy. I did have a scare like two days ago I wiped like a smudge of pink blood about a teaspoon and I rush to the E.R but everything turned out ok, it was nothing..But its like every since i felt my baby move we have had this special little

    Well best wishes and hope your pregnancy goes wel!!

  2. Yea!  I'm almost 22 weeks with numero uno-a boy! and we are over the moon! He has been kicking and twisting for a few weeks now and I love it-my husband can feel them now too which is very cool. My pregnancy is going great, the first trimester was not so much fun-lots of nausea but not much sickness. But other than that everything has gone smoothly, I had my first day of heartburn the other day, but I'm not going to complain-I just can't wait until he gets here! Jan 12th can't come fast enough! Good luck ladies!

  3. Aww! we have the same due date, except I'm having a little girl. We have no idea what we're going to name her right now though.  I've felt her moving around a lot the past couple of days, but so far no real hard kicks. My cravings are for fruit, and Eggs Benedict lol.

    My first 3 months were pretty rough too. I didn't throw up a lot, but I felt nauseous day in and out. Right now, I'm experiencing a fair amount of backache, but generally feeling better as I have more energy now.

    We're just starting to get thinking about the nursery and getting all of that set up. I'm excited!

    Good luck to you and your baby boy :)

  4. I should be 20w2d now, but 2 months ago i had a was so heartbreaking and i dont want to have a miscarriage ever again...i had to get a D&C and all that stuff....i dont like that....but i kind of think that i'm pregnant again, i will find out today, i did a blood test yesturday and today i will know....i'm crossing my fingers.

    also i want to buy a ring with a birthstone of my babys should be january 14...i'm so happy for you that you could keep your baby, take good care...and god bless you.

  5. Our due dates are really close! I'll be 20 weeks this Tuesday and I go for my gender scan on Monday so I'm really excited. We already have names picked out: Anastasia Nicolette if its a girl and Justis (can't decide on a middle name) if it is a boy. I've been blessed and haven't had a bit of morning sickness. The first 3 months for me tho were also blah because I was so tired and moody. Once I hit 14 or so weeks I felt great. And I feel great now. Aside (like you said) from the constant need to pee! I swear, sometimes I try to hold it and when I finally do go I feel like my bladder is going to explode. And its so annoying having to get up 2 or 3 times a night. But, I guess I need to get used to that part. I haven't had any weird cravings or cravings at all for that matter. I just have a tendency to want what I smell. This is our first child and I'm really enjoying the experience. I felt the baby move for the first time a couple of weeks ago and now I feel him/her move everyday. I don't know what he/she is doing in there but it feels like someone is taking their finger and thumping the inside of my stomach sometimes. I think that's the baby kicking. Hopefully things will only get better! Good luck with the pregnancy and congrats!

  6. I'm due Jan. 24- just hit 20 weeks today!  I found out on my B-day (Aug. 21) that I am having a little girl- BEST BIRTHDAY PRESENT EVER!!!

    The first trimester I was just tired and had really sore b***s all the time.  Kinda had that all day sea-sickness feeling (but nothing ever came to fruition if you know what I mean ;) )

    The second trimester has been better but I notice myself getting winded more easily, having major heartburn and peeing I swear a gallon an hour! LOL!! Also, my b*****s are becoming sore again.  It's totally worth it though to feel her move and wiggle around in there!  

    As for my cravings I can't stop eating chicken salad on toasted pumpernickel...never had an aversion to it, I just never craved it pre-pregnancy!  Very strange.  

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