
Anyone else's kid have a doctor phobia?

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Phobia may be too strong, but he sure seems like it. Ever since he was just a few months old, every doctor's office visit has been nonstop screaming and crying from the time we walk in to the time we leave.

He has his 3 year check up soon. If there's anyone else out there that has to deal with that, what do you do? Any suggestions? How should I prepare him? Anything you've done during the visit to calm your child down?

I'm really kind of dreading it. Thanks for the advice.




  1. i know that there are others with the same problem, i would try and comfort your child alot before the check up so he will feel more confident, hes probably just afraid of shots or the swab down th throat, all kids go through it

  2. my son has had that phobia from birth! He went through alot with doctors and we went more often..there was nothing really to do to help calm him except telling him "its ok to be afraid, but if your brave, I'll take you and get you a treat when we leave"

    He's 5 now and does not mind going to the doctors, he goes for other things now, not just for shots! They will outgrow it!!

  3. this is normal -as the child understands what is happening, he will become more comfortable.  consider taking him to the doctor when he isn't sick.  tour a fire station, hospital, and/or ambulance.  this is a great way to allow your child to have some power over the things happening to him.  

  4. I remember being a kid. I really hated going to the doctor or dentist's office. But my mom made it a very big event... like going to a party or a picnic or the beach. We bring food, toys, and I get to bring a friend or cousin along. It became fun and easier to be brave when you have someone your age with you.

  5. Someone mentioned playing doctor.  That's a great idea.

    So is being specific about what will happen.  Give him a "blow by blow" of the visit.  Say, "We'll go in, I'll write our names down on the tablet for the nurse, then we'll sit in the chairs and wait for the nurse to call your name.  Then we'll go in the back and...".  Go through the weight and measuring procedures as well as the thermometer, blood pressure cuff, etc.

    My brother was like this for a while too, but he loved the paper they used to cover the exam tables.  So when my mom had to take him in, she'd remind him of the paper.  It would get him into the room with no problems, then she'd tear off a piece for him to play with.  It kept him distracted for a while.  Maybe something like that would work for your kid.

    See if the doctor's office will let you do a tour, or just sit in the waiting room for a minute or 2.  Go a few days before the appointment so he can see it.

    Sometimes "just going to see" lessens fear.  Especially if the staff is nice to him.

  6. One of my sons was like that too. I decided to play 'doctors' with him at home. I even bought a cheap stethoscope. He would play being doctor to me too. He loved hearing his heart through the stethoscope! I think if you also buy some coloured stars or similar and use them on the calendar to mark down the big day. I used to get my son to put one on the calendar each day for two weeks leading up to it. (anything more the kids get totally bored with the waiting) Then on the day of the visit we would have "Special Doctor Day" I would tell him he could pick what we would have for dinner that night. (Believe me a 5 year olds choice is not always the healthiest!) But that gave him something to look forward to and feel special.

       If he still carries on I think you might have to sedate him before you leave to see the doctor! (Just kidding on that one!)

      I think if you try what I have suggested you will find he won't be quite as scared and also feel like he 'owes' you to be good...(screaming equals no special dinner, be strong in the voice when you tell him! You'll be surprised what a little bribery can do!)


  7. no because my daughter knows that the doctor gives her jelly beans when she goes.

    i think also going to the same doctor everytime helps, because they become more familiar

  8. im 14 and i have been afraid of the doctor all of my life, which is why when i need to go to them the most i cant. Try to reward him for going to the doctors. They usually have stickers but maybe take him to go get ice cream or something if he is a good boy, and that should help.

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