
Anyone else 40 weeks and flipping out?

by  |  earlier

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Ugh! I am/was "due" today, and of course, no such luck, lol. I am so ready to see my newest little one and get back to doing the things I enjoy so much, like sleeping on my tummy and eating with out heartburn! Any one else "over due"? Feel free to lodge a complaint here, since I surely am! Oh, any one else tired of hearing "no one is pregnant forever" and "he'll come when he wants to"? Ugh, for those people I say let me give you an extra 40 pounds to carry around, for 9 months, and then kick you in the crotch a lot, and you tell me if you are ready to carry for more than 40 weeks, lol.




  1. I feel ya.. although I'm at 38 weeks, not 40... I am getting more and more anxious.  It's hard.. like waiting to open a present. :) LOL

    I wish you the best of luck.  

  2. Ive got something that should make you feel better...

    I am also due today..And my OB assured me that I would NOT go past my due date... That she would induce me because of how much pain I am in... My baby's head is estimated 15 1/2 inches! Yeah... normal is like 13. So lets just say my pelvis is a little tender. I cant sleep and all she wants to do is give me vicodin... and morphine shots.. I dont want my baby to be effected so i said no to all of that.. So here I am on bed rest for my 4th week in a row.. High BP and mild tocemia... and 40 weeks preggo... And my next appt isnt until thurs... Im switching dr's for my next!

    Hope all goes well for you! The only thing keeping me going is AC and icecream!  

  3. i had my baby 2 weeks ago.. i went into labour the day before my due date, and finally (after a VERY long labour) i gave birth to a beautiful baby girl the day AFTER my due date.

    It was all worth it.. and trust me, when the baby arrives you really wont care about the last couple of days of the pregnancy!

    Good Luck!!!

  4. All I can say in congrats to you for carrying your baby all the way to your due date!!! Thats impressive. Be patient and the little one will come

  5. lol im not over due yet but i went tp 41 weeks with my first and had to be induced and i hated it, its like you feel fatter then ever you just wish you could have your space back, i know whow you feel, my dr told me last week that when he sees me this week ill still be pregnant too. it will be my 38 week check up im really hoping i dont go over due again and can go into labor on my own but the Dr is making it seem like that wont happen, but good luck and congrats its going to be over very soon your dr will prob, induce you within this next week,

  6. First I want to apologize.  Remembering that 9 months is an average and I popped my kids out all 3 1/2 weeks early - I guess that means somebody has to go over.  I'm sorry.  But it is worth it congratualations and good luck.

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