
Anyone else NOT wanna grow up??

by Guest59027  |  earlier

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arghh my sis just moved out for college today..this is so weird..only 2 more years left of high school.. i feel like my childhood is coming to an end :'(




  1. i know what you mean..

    "ive been a kid my whole life! i dont know how to be an adult!!"

  2. i still don't wanna grow up either. but it's life. thats how it is.

  3. I do, i haven't really has a childhood or life to want to remember so far :(

  4. Me =]  

  5. being an adult sucks! i am 27 and have 2 kids who i have to look after. (who i do love very much) i have had the same woman now for 9 years and i have been out on my own now since i was 19. my advice to you is to be a kid and enjoy every minute of it because the real world will hit you before you know it and you will have to be a responsible productive part of society. how i long for the days of being a kid again and having nothing else to worry about other than getting up for school and whether suzie X. likes me or not.

  6. No matter how old you get, you can still be young inside.There is life after high school. Cheer up!  :)

  7. nope im fine with growing up. lol

  8. I agree with you and you don't have to grow up if you don't want to. Of course you'll age, but you can always be fun and have a child's imagination


  10. Aww sorry about that. :(

    But I don't wanna grow up either.

  11. im acting more like a lil kid now then a 15year old lol but i love it

  12. It only ends when you make that

    Enjoy your life no matter how old you are.

  13. Your AS YOUNG AS U FEEL!!!!!!!!!!! In my case,I will be 12 FOREVER!

    Now,I'm off to buy an American Girl magazine and watch Gulla Gulla Island !

  14. never liked adulthood at all ,it sucks

  15. yes I just graduated from high school and it's so weird that I am not a kid anymore and not going to start school tomorrow  

  16. growing up's the best, what are you talking about? :)

  17. Me... last year, I felt like I had all the time left in the world, but now, all of a sudden, with SAT's and ACT's coming up next year and college tours coming up next summer, I feel the same way you do.  I'm a sophomore in high school, and I know that in two years, I'll regret worrying about growing up, but I can't help it!

  18. neither do i but i wanna grow up to be a bit older but then never grown older then that lol

  19. oh that sux, i remember when my big bro moved to texas..i was in 2nd grade(now in high school) and it was horrible. no, i dont wanna grow up, but unfortunately, i have no choice =P

  20. Psssshhh please. Compared to me ur still young. I'm 25 and wish I could be 20 again. Enjoy them while you can.

  21. i turn 21 next year, after that i dont want to grow up

  22. i don't want to grow up either

  23. Well... i don't wanna grow up..... its just life, and ur gonna have to get used to it

    My frend's sister just went to university yesterday, and shes 18, and i bet she doesn't wanna grow up


    I know exactly how you feel, my brother just left for college too!

  25. I'm alot older than you and being grown up is really a state of mind. I live my life so 75% of the time I am definitely not my age, I'm younger! lol

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