
Anyone else TTC # 1?

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My husband and i are ttc for our first baby. We are on month two now..i have been taking prenatals and eating better. Any other advice?




  1. Those are great things to do when TTC.  I also recommend charting your need to know when you ovulate, so you can know when to baby dance!  Fertility Friend is a fantastic website with lots of information, plus you can set up a free calendar/chart.  Taking your basal body temperature every morning will help you confirm ovulation, and using ovulation predictor kits are great at giving you an ovulation "heads up."  Essential Conception Guide is also full of awesome videos!  You may need to check out the blog section, but it's definitely worth it!

    My husband and I have been TTC our first child since April.  I was sure that I was pregnant this month, but AF came a couple of days ago.  Boo!  Anyway, I wish you the best of luck, and feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need to vent!  The TTC forum is a wonderful support group!

  2. Keep up with the prenatals, don't use lubes, i hear great things about preseed, i think we need to order some ourselves. The ovulation predictor kit is the best thing, i have used the clear blue easy with the smiley face, and the cheapo pee sticks, i consistently ovulate the same time each month, before i used a calendar, waste of time b/c everybody is different. I was told after the ovulation predictor kit is positive, you are most fertile 24-48 hours after that. So we did the baby dance a couple days before, the day of, the day after. Also make sure your husband is doing everything right, go to  best website ever! good luck, have been off the pill since december, it's now august, felt like my periods weren't normal until May. good luck to you and all ttc.  

  3. start tracking you're ovulation and have him stay away from anything with cottonseed oil in it the only thing i know that has it is potato chips though basically cottonseed oil is a male birth control  

  4. Check  out   your  fertility   days

  5. take folic acid ,vaitamin E ,EXERCISE,use pillow during s*x and after that lay down,drink green tea,no stress ,no alcohol ,

  6. Going on our 4th month but I finally just got my first real period (after quitting the pill) so I am more hopeful now!

    Try using PreSeed - a natural lubricant - if you need to use lubricant. Normal lubricant can actually kill or damage sperm.

    Good luck!

  7. im working on month 3 now hopefully i dont get my period this month haha

    try having s*x about every other day and afterwards lay there for about 10-15 minutes

    good luck!

  8. yup I'm also ttc #1 since April of this year...

    My advice is to have fun because baby making can become a chore very quickly...

    good luck!

  9. Baby dance every other day AND learn when you ovulate usually 12-14 days after the first day of your period

    Baby Dust

    TTC # 1   1.5 years
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