
Anyone else TTC feel this way?

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Ok so like before Ive mentioned we have been TTC for almost a year now. Im 24 years old and the ftb is 26 I should be in my best time for getting pregnant but no luck. I see all these teen girls walking around pregnant either without a man or with a drug dealer boyfriend without a care in the world. Smoking and drinking not caring they are affecting whats growing inside them. No job, in high school or quit high school. Thinking they are big and bad and think they are mature enough for a child when it will end up (ive seen it so many times) the girls parents or grandparent send up taking care of the child while shes out getting pregnant again. Any one get frustrated when they see all these girls that get pregnant like its nothing and it takes us months to years trying?




  1. i have the worst one for you... i am a mother and we are trying to conceive after losing our son at three months to sids. we started trying to conceive last month and i was sure it would be so easy to get pregnant cause it was the last time.. but to no avail AF came three days late to my sadness. then come to find out just a couple of weeks after my crushing AF sadness my mother calls me and says guess what your never going to believe it.. your brother is having a baby... he is a jailbird man who is working a temp job this is the second time he has been married to the same woman who had an affair and had a kid with another man my brother cheated on his girlfriend who he got pregnant to be with his wife who he also got pregnant (so to recap.. she has two kids by two fathers he has two kids by two mothers all three are 7 7 and 8 (yes they had their kids at the same time just about) and pregnant with another kid now that they did not want. while me who is trying to get over the death of my son and trying to have another sits in silence wishing them a great time. Ironic isnt it

  2. yeah, my sister-inlaws friend is pregnant and she has a three year old already, but no man. She wanted to get an abortion, but everyone talked her out of it. My mom asked me if I wanted to adopt it, but I said no. I would be seeing her all the time and don't want her to be telling me how to raise my child. I wish I could get pregnant soon, it seems like everyone is prego but me. I work at a daycare, so I see A LOT of mom's who are prego recently we had 3 moms give birth in the last four months and there are more to come! At least they are married though. It kills me to see young girls getting pregnant before their ready and I get pregnant when I have been ready for years.

  3. whats ttc plz anyone would like to explain?

  4. Me and my husband are ttc (trying to conceive) too and no luck yet.  Yes, it's frustrating to see these kids having babies, but I just figure when it's suppose to happen for you it will.  Good Luck to you!

  5. i agree! in high school there were a lot of girls pregnant and now i see them on facebook or myspace with their kids and im still trying to conceive when these people were blessed with a baby they let grandma raise. I don't think its fair but nothing is EVER fair when it comes to getting pregnant. It also seems like when a month comes around when you think you are pregnant btu aren't you see a million girls walking around sucks..

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