
Anyone else a fan of the History Channel's "The Universe"?

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I love that show! Especially when Amy Mainzer from JPL is on it! So yeah, anyone else a fan? My favorite episodes so far are:

"The Biggest Things In the Universe"

"Cosmic Collisions"

"Cosmic Apocalypse"

(The first two has Amy in it).




  1. Ive heard of it but i don't got cable,and everyone is telling me i have to see it since i adore astronomy so much,but i have seen car Sagan's "cosmos"and i love it

  2. I am a HUGE fan of the show! My favorite episodes would have to be "alien planets" and "cosmic apocalypse." I keep a watch out for new programs all the time. It is such an intriguing and fascinating show! And yeah, I can see why guys like Amy Mainzer!

  3. i love it..i love being told the earth is going to end

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