
Anyone else abolsutely disgusted with Hillary?

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Is she insane or just the biggest ego-maniac on the planet? She totally robbed Obama of his glory tonight This should have been a night to celebrate his victory but she tainted it by refusing to concede. What is she playing at? She's lost - what does she mean by "I need some time to consider my next move"....? What move? You lost - salvage any tiny shred of dignity you might have left and give Obama the credit he deserves. How can she talk about uniting the party when she refuses to acknowledge that she's lost. I really think she might be insane.




  1. What she did was very disappointing, for sure.

  2. She has a characteristic called megalomania (delusions of grandeur) and a powerful sense of entitlement. She thinks the world owes her homage, respect, and reverence. She probably got some of this perverted way of looking at the world from her husband, who has some of the same characteristics. I wouldn't want to know them personally or be their neighbors.

  3. any one who wants this position of power that badly who could not express a passionate desire to help the people is a very dangerous person who needs to be kept away from power

  4. It is a matter of getting all the bang you can get.  She is a poker player and is looking for leverage.  She is a greedy person and is at the cashiers cage and pulling all her chips together to see what the payout is.  She is clearly playing a game.

  5. She's just a delusional sore loser. She ensured that Obama won't offer her the VP spot. He's done being polite he's looking elsewhere.

  6. The great thing is that there is nothing Senator Clinton can do to change the facts.  Her lack of grace, unwillingness to be a source of unity and complete disrespect of the half (at least) of all democratic voters who did not vote for her are the lasting hallmarks that will define her legacy.

    The Obama campaign won because his team worked harder, smarter and with a supreme sense of the importance of change.

    The Clinton campaign lost because they felt so certain of victory that they never planned beyond February 5, because they completely underestimated the number of people who do not hold Hillary in high regard and because their egos would not allow them to consider the concept that somebody like Barack Obama could unite and ignite so many.

    The short answer, yes, I am disgusted both with Hillary Clinton and the DNC for failing to show their better selves in this matter.

    Yes, I believe Hillary Clinton is suffering from a mental illness called "extremely out of control ego".  It appears to be contagious but there is an antidote ... Hope and Change taken in large quantities!

  7. I think she believes in her mind that she is sincere.  I believe she is an ego-maniac bent on getting "her" way, whatever the h**l that means.

    Did I trust Bill Clinton as President, no, but I also don't trust her either.  

    With the Bushes on one side and the Clintons on the other and me right smack in the middle?  No, thank you.  I would rather get rid of both gangs, thank you very much.

  8. YES ! she could have tried to be more "unifying" which was pretty much expected from her but she failed any hints.

  9. I am. She feels that the presidential seat is supposed to be hers because her husband was president. But in this world dissapointments happen at times*builds character*

  10. It takes time to heal the wounded ego. She had nurtured the dream of reentering White House, on her own right for long and the feeling that it is not going to take place is difficult to sink in. Give her some time to come to terms with reality.

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