
Anyone else agree with Freud's theory on psychoanalysis?

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I am fasinated by his theories and I believe that his work is universally correct. People are two quick to dismiss his work. Just because a lot of his work involved some sort of sexual meaning that does not make it incorrect if anything I think the fact that he puts so much emphases on s*x is vital, i mean s*x is the basic drive, it ensures reproduction so it is vital. All of his theories whether it be gender development or the structure of the personality and even the oedipus complex I agree with them all. Just wondered what your views on him and his theories are, do you agree with me that he was a genious and that people should start to take his work more seriousley. Just because there is no hard evidence to prove his theories does not mean they are wrong, you cant disprove them.




  1. To me, Freud assumed that everyone is born evil and enters into a lifelong battle to suppress or repress these tendencies.

    I prefer the thought that everyone is born into an equilibrium state and tend to flow toward good until or unless environmental or chemical imbalances intervene.

  2. A) Freud was coked out a lot, which goes to discredit (not disprove) his work

    B) Oedipus complex IS real, it's been observed.

    C) His theory about the sexual latency period has basically been disproven by observations of INCREASED sexuality

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