
Anyone else annoyed by Yahoo Music Jukebox?

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I knew the day was coming when MusicMatch got its plug pulled by Yahoo that the great player wouldn't be no more. 2nd day of use on the new jukebox already found more annoyances than I care to deal with.

Here are the issues that really grinds my gears.

Why does Yahoo IM have to be intergrated? I am playing songs for me not for the rest of the world.

The jukebox gets lost, stupid and locks if you simply decide to move your directories / MP3's to another location on the drive. Then try to play them off the list.

True feature of true "Super Tagging" is gone. I simply can't edit the tags unless its listed in the jukebox directory list instead of the current play list. Hence the before problem.

I simply can't add full folders from other locations easily (eg missing non-portable drive locations on left list). And edit the track tags. Stated in problem above.

I don't need to sign in every time I use the jukebox.

Anyone who still have the last version of MusicMatch,Keep it, works best




  1. Oh yes. More than annoyed. Its getting a little better but not worth all the hassle.

  2. I'm not sure, but I think at one time Yahoo! was an innovator.  They try, but I think their designers have lost touch with the people who use their products. I once saw on a web page that they were interested in feedback (not problems) and they referenced this form:

    BTW, I agree with most of your comments.  I also think that DRM has to go.  It f.... up trying to enjoy the music. Have a good one.  :)

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