
Anyone else annoyed by the Wendy's "meatatarian" commercial?

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Aside from the fact that someone eating such a diet would be dead within a month, what about his mockery of vegetarians? ("It's a personal decision. You gotta commit to it.")

Is it better or worse than the Burger King one, in which a cow is angered by a man's eating chicken instead of beef? I know this is marketing to the common masses, but does anyone else laugh at how irrational that is?




  1. Give me a break! The Burger King commerical is so hysterical!  

  2. It is definitely a low-brow commercial appealing to all of the meat-eating good ol' boys who somehow believe that eating meat is manly.  

    I was annoyed with it, but I take comfort in the fact that more and more people are becoming vegetarian.  Vegetarianism is becoming so cool that if people find out I'm vegetarian, they always brag about how they "could be a vegetarian" or "don't eat as much meat as they used to".  

    So, on another note, what do people think of the Burger King veggie burger?  I mostly scorn fast food, but If I'm in a situation where I must eat at one with a group of people, I love that BK is marketing a product to vegetarians.  Any thoughts?

  3. Ever since someone found a finger in their frosty, Ive been annnoyed with them.

  4. what about the chick-fil-a cows wearing signs that say "eat more chicken?" i never thought that one was real funny

  5. I haven't seen the commercial but I have used the word meatatarian to refer to people who eat meat on a daily basis.  I don't think it is mocking vegetarians.

    I think McDonald's dominant marketing to children is far worse since it establishes using unhealthy food as a reward early on and it sticks with kids for the rest of their lives with what is called "brand imprinting."  Wendy's at least has baked potatoes on the menu and a salad bar in some places.

    There is more to blaming poor health than on eating meat.  Argentinians eat the most meat of any country in the world but also have one of the longest life spans.  They also eat far more fruit and vegetables and exercise than Americans do.  It's processed and fried foods that is the real problem...

  6. It's a joke pointed at how some vegetarians talk.  "It's a personal decision.  You gotta commit to it."  That's how proponents of a lot of diets or lifestyles talk.

    They're not necessarily promoting "meatatarians".  They're just saying it's full of that kind of thing if you're into it.  A high protein diet is important to a lot of people.  But it's not a healthy sandwich obviously, and they are just advertising to the fast food eaters anyway.  And we all eat fast food sometimes!  Don't deny it.  :)

  7. I actually don't watch TV all that much.

    I don't think it's offensive so much as absurd. It does somewhat poke fun at some veggies, I guess... but I'm not offended. I don't take my diet that seriously. I see the "meatatarian" diet as irony.

    That being said, both of the ads you mention sound kind of gross and/or disturbing. And yes, I find the irony of the spurned cow to be somewhat amusing.  

  8. The commercial is kind of dumb, but I find a lot of dumb things funny.  It does poke fun at vegetarians...SO WHAT!  It's a joke!  People always think something is funny until someone makes fun of something they do.  There are millions of others things so much more worthy to complain about!  So to answer your questions NO!

  9. Love the commercial! Few things are as fun as mocking vegetarians or their even more uptight strain -- vegans. It is like the less meat you eat, the more uptight you get. There needs to be a scientific study to validate that claim. If anyone can find a research grant to fund it, your lab rats are right here in this thread.

  10. YES!!! omg i was JUST thinking that!

    and yes the bk one is pretty bad too, but i perfer that one to the wendys one

    seriously the wendys one was pissing me off

  11. OMG! I can't believe this discussion is even going on and I'm sucked into it. It's just a harmless, stupid commercial - like all the others out there. Get over yourselves, people. You are wasting way too much time over this and reading way too much into it. God, dial down the rhetoric and the drama. It's not like world peace is at stake. It's not trying to offend anybody at all, no need to get defensive and all up in arms.

    In any case, I work in advertising, and apparently Wendy's (where I never eat) is doing a great job since this 'blog' exists.

    Oh, and the finger thing was a fraud, the woman even got sentenced for spreading this nonsense and trying to sue them for money.

  12. Yes!  I saw it today and I was really aggravated!  

    It was offensive and rude, they should not be able to put that on air.

    I also can't stand the Hillshire Farms new "Go Meat" slogan.

  13. I found it hilarious. I didn't laugh at the irrationality, I laughed at the mockery of vegetarianism, because it was funny.

    It wasn't actually proposing an all-meat diet, it was mocking the common vegetarian.

  14. I would never eat Wendy's nasty *** food. Go ahead Wendy's, make fun of vegetarians. You can have your heart disease, and cholesterol. I don't want it. They obviously don't care about what these poor animals go through just to be eaten.  

  15. dead in a month?  meatatarians?    hey,  why ruin a good thing?

  16. Its no more annoying than Taco Bell's "79 89 99 ay yay yay" one. augh.

  17. I am not a vegetarian so on the basis of purely whether or not the commercial annoyed me, I vote nay - both my wife and I laughed and rewound it - it was funny.  Also in the commercial, his girlfriend was eating a salad presumably from Wendy's who has long had one of the better fast food salad bars and also serves baked potatoes as an alternative to meat - so really it was just a bit of silly.  It's clear they are not advocating that as a diet (again they sell other stuff and show it being consumed in same commercial), but it was a good intro for the baconator.

    Oh yes - we know the correct term is carnivore - what makes the commercial funny is not its mockery of vegetarians - it is the mockery of the doofus guy who is co-opting the vegetarian motto of personal choice and commitment and doing it shamelessly foolishly.

  18. Yeah I've find this commercial really freaking annoy and degrading to vegetarians and vegans. I really would like them to just stop playing it because i change the channel ever time i see and its sending a really bad message to kids and teens that eating only meat is great for you especially in the amount they want you too. As far as people complaining about the PETA ads. HELLO people complain all the time about PETA and their ads because they make you go opps this had feelings and might actually feel pain from me slaughtering it to eat its rotting flesh.

    and while your at it look up that "wonderful meataterian"  sandwich and how good for you it is and then go it 50 of them please we need less people that stupid in this world.

  19. Not really.

    The burger king one is just stupid. The Wendy's one reminds me of my father.

    But they're all better than ANY McDonald's commercial. I really hate those

  20. You know, I haven't seen either one, but by the sound of it they both are annoying. Meatatarian? What's that? Giving up vegetables? And Fruit? Supporting mass killings of animals? Nice. NOT!

    I wanna see it honestly...just to see exactly how annoying it is.

  21. That "meatetarian" commercial makes me sick.

    Wendy's should be expecting a nasty email soon.


  22. I actually signed up to yahoo answers just to agree with you. I just saw it. And it made me so mad how they blatantly insult us vegetarians and support the mass slaughtering of animals indirectly by saying how it's isn't easy to "commit" to such an unhealthy lifestyle and kill millions of animals in the process.

  23. theres no such thing as a meatarian is fin retarted its called a carnivore d**n!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  24. ....dont you think us meat eaters are annoyed by your stupid propoganda about going vegetarian?... whenever there is a big event PETA is on it, i mean we dont go around throwing paint onto cabbage fields because you eat plants. so just as you guys have your rights to advertise your way of life we are allowed to advertise ours. don't you all get that the killing of animals for food is NEVER going to stop no matter how hard you try its just a fact. i think the meatatarian commerical is hilarious.

  25. seriously, being a vegetarian is fine... but you shouldn't expect everyone to not joke or stuff about it, people can say WHATEVER they want!!! you are not some kind of godess who everyone should respect just because ÿour a vegetarian"please!!! we can say whatever we want, so if that bothers you then too bad for you!!! get over it.  

  26. I loathe most commercials, especially for crappy fast food.  I think I've seen the Meatatarian maybe once, but I have seen the "you'll cheat on beef" commericals a few times.  I REALLY hate the Hillshire Farms "Go Meat!" commercials.  I'm torn whether to make a rude gesture at the TV or scream "Go Veg!" over their idiotic tag line.

  27. LOL While it's not roll-on-the floor funny, that commercial is cute.

  28. I think it's great.  Vegetarians don't go to Wendy's--meat lovers do!  Vegetarians act all high and mighty and now Wendy's is making to ok for   carnivores to do the same!  Truly love it!

  29. Does anybody else feel like vegetarians are WAY too sensitive?

    Lots of animals eat meat.  If you choose not to do that, fine.

    Just don't bug *me* about it.

  30. I find them both annoying.  Just as bad as the "good cheese comes from happy cows; happy cows come from California" commercials.  I used to have a driving route that took me past a dairy factory farm in California.  No rolling green hills and happy cows there AT ALL.  The stench was unbearable.

    I know a guy who only eats meat and dairy products.  He hates vegetables and fruit.  He's about 100 pounds overweight and has sleep apnea so bad that he can't sleep at all.  He recently had to stop driving because he dozes off, he's so tired from not sleeping.  He's always super congested.  He mocks me and my diet every chance he gets.  I just feel sorry for him and the woman who will be his widow way too young.

  31. Its just a commercial, it is tongue-in-cheek.  If I posted a question on here saying how annoyed I was at PETA for their campaigns, I would be ripped up one side and down the other.

    Live and let live.

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