
Anyone else anxious about results day???

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i was just wondering if anybody else was anxious about receiving their results i no it might sound like a stupid cause obviously everybody is but i was just wondering how everybody feels about what they think they will get??




  1. Well yes, I was really anxious. I wanted to know if i got straight A's, especially in Social Studies because the final was really hard with essays and stuff. I also was really anxious to know if I got into a magnet program for math and science.( My results came right on the very last day while my classmates came 2 weeks earlier. )

  2. I am loads yeah because of what's happening with the SATS loads of mistakes on the marking. That could happen to us. Pray to God it don't! Yeah really anxious. Need to get English as well.

  3. Yes! I will be circling my letter box the day i receive my results for sure

  4. I'm always very anxious, but I don't email professors looking for them right away like most people do.

  5. I'm not so worried, I know I studied hard and I know I tried my best, that is all I can do and I'll be pleased with whatever I get.

    And - "I am loads yeah because of what's happening with the SATS loads of mistakes on the marking. That could happen to us. Pray to God it don't! Yeah really anxious. Need to get English as well."

    They are marked by different people. The people marking the SATS got the contract to do so this year and they are an American group.

    GCSE's are being marked in the UK mostly by Teachers, I wouldn't worry about that so much!

  6. Reeling about Receiving Results? No. Living to Learn.

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