
Anyone else appalled by yahoo's decision to remove the ability to add links to messages?

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Anyone else appalled by yahoo's decision to remove the ability to add links to messages?




  1. Hey everyone,

    Thanks for your concern on this. We'd like to stress that this is a bug and not something we planned, that we're aware of it and are working on a fix.

    Thanks for your patience.

    -- Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers team

  2. To a question why links weren't clickable anymore, the YA team answered earlier today that they were aware of the problem and were working on fixing it. That sounds like the problem appeared out of the blue. German users have this problem too, the YC team answered to a question about the link problem, that they had to shut off the ability to click on links, but that it was only temporarily. Now what are we supposed to believe???

  3. have they really done this, if so it is really awful, but i thought it was just a technical glitch today

    hope so

    x*x   vici

  4. I don't mind the link not being clickable. The problem is that long links are truncated. I can't even give Yahoo links.


  5. Some of those links contain virus's so it may be a good thing you can still add a link with your question which will show up when people answer your question

  6. I don`t understand this ether.Because the link`s for my answer or my question on my computer don`t work.But on the side of your A&Q where it say`s Sponsor Result`s the link`s still work atleast on my computer the link`s under sponsor result`s still work.

  7. I didn't think it was permanent, just a snafu

  8. Yup. I wondered about that earlier...I just thought Yahoo didn't like me any more ;-(

    I hope it is NOT permanent, as the earlier reponder said you can't even give useful pasteable links due to the truncation...If it were permanent it would make YA a bit of a nonsense as the links are often quite useful, whereas the written answers are frequently...tripe (well, they are, aren't they in a lot of cases?)

    I haven't always time myself to write comprehensve answers sometimes...nor time to cut and paste everything into the answer box  from useful links! So I hope the facility comes back.

  9. No, it's not a great problem, the asker can cut and paste the article, or the answerer can cut and paste the link.

    If it stops virus's being distributed, i think it's a great idea.

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