
Anyone else been mislead with these Antivirus, antispyware programs?

by Guest61602  |  earlier

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I bought AntiVirus tricked me into thinking i had problems on my computer...ex. trojans and such. I found out that it was in fact the problem. Thanks to some others on here i went in and manually deleted the mutha focka. I terminated the shiiiiiiiiiit out of it. I judo chopped it's fockin head offffffff!!!!!!!




  1. To find good programs you can trust, check out or  They have some highly recommended and free utilities like AVG anti-virus and Ad-Aware 2008 for spyware.

  2. For complete info on hacking n trojan refer

    It really helped me..

  3. this program will clean all of the spyware junk on your computer


    For Antivirus you need a good one I recommend Kaspersky (paid)

    or Avira Antivir (Free)

    video review 3 free antivirus programs

  4. antivirus programs are supposed to be free and be paod for by the creator of the computer.

    The anti-virus was something to sap your wallet rather than protect ur computer if this was the case.

    Go to the site and get the Home PC version.

    You should be good from there. When you get the chance, get the Norton Corporate version from somebody... possibly one that's underground and put it on the computer.  These are the ones that are free.  

  5. alot of people have been getting nailed by them and it is easy to do but be warned there are far worse out there. i almost got suckered by one that looked like a windows update but just before i clicked it a little light went off and i thought wait windows updates only come 2 ways and this isn't one of them

  6. Hundreds, if not thousands of people fall for that.

    I repair computers and a very large percentage of what I do is removing such stuff.

    People see, you're computer is infected with trojans, spyware and the like, and they think its going to explode or something and they start clicking themselves right into a major headache.

  7. They're called rogue antiviruses. My brother got one, and it was a real pain in the a­ss to remove.

  8. Any time something pops up while I'm browsing the internet and suggests I should buy it to protect my computer, I immediately decide not to EVER use it, especially if it also tells me my computer has lots of problems.  Most of those programs are dangerous.  Decent programs don't need to rely on that kind of advertising because they are continually being recommended.

    And a heads up - never use any of their buttons to close the window, not even the standard X in the top right corner.  These can be programmed to look like they only closed the window but they also install stuff on your computer.  Either, use Alt + F4  with that window active or right-click on the window icon in the taskbar and choose Close from there - both of those methods are safe.

  9. THats the oldest Scam in internet, they take advantage of people "paranoia" most the people after the get the pop up the click

    X and get out of it,specially when they said let us Scan your system you just open your system to them and send them invitation to get into your privacy ,,and you know  the rest..

    If you paid by credit card call your credit card company and ask for your money back ,,I know some of my friend did that,,,or else call it lost and pricy experience...

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