
Anyone else been ripped off?

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by one of those stalls in blackpool where you buy electrical goods,i just did at one on the prom at sea life centre,taking it further and would like to hear from anyone else who has.




  1. I bought a CD off a stall there a few years back for about thirty bob - "Romantic Piano Music". The music was nice, but the piano was so out of tune it was worse than Grannie's used to be ! ! !

  2. No not me.

  3. No I haven't. I'm not that gullible.

  4. Same kind of thing happened to me about 10 years ago, bought a cordless phone off some guy on a market, thought it was genuine but he wasn't there when I went back the next week or the week after. I make it a rule never to buy electrical goods from stalls anymore, you learn by your mistakes!!!

  5. I got bitten once - many years ago - and never again.

    If I'm on holiday, I leave buying the electricals until I get back home - then go to Currys, Argos, Comet or whatever.

    Cheap deals in seaside towns rely on the fact that you're only there for a short time then go home.  By the time you've found the item's no good, it's too far to take it back, and if you did, the bandit's upped and gone!

    Always remember - "If a deal looks too good to be true, then it almost certainly is"

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