
Anyone else betting on a Palin withdrawl?

by Guest59707  |  earlier

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I have a feeling, no matter how much rep pretend that they are happy with Mccain decision, they are behind closed doors planning their next move.

You you think that will happen????




  1. Not gonna happen. She's the Conservative poster girl.

  2. I think they'll wait till after the convention.    When the polls don't move, and the loss is inevitable....they get a second shot.  Bring in someone else to see if the numbers change their way.

    Even if McCain keeps the current trend in polling (he's headed for a BIG loss), they are going to want to get as many Republicans out as possible to help out the Congressional races.   If it's a Obama landslide....and it could be if things don't change.....the Democrats could also take vast swaths of the House & Senate.

  3. You are right.

    The next move is into the White house

    Best regards.

    VOTE FOR THE HERO... not the...

  4. I don't think it will happen, she's in same boat as Levi Johnston, their both obligated. lol

    Let the thumb downs begin but when you think about it, you know it's the truth.

  5. If McSame replaces her it will only prove to this country that Palin was purely a strategic move and nothing more.

  6. If she is withdrawn i doubt it would be voluntary, someone who shoots moose for fun is a lot tougher than that.

  7. That would be a bad move on the Republicans part.  But h**l, choosing her was a bad move.  They're screwed no matter how you look at it.  

  8. No, actually I want her to stay and suffer a big embarrassing defeat. Tonight we'll see her making stupid mistakes, just wait we are not hicks here

  9. no way, no how she is too ambitious...She did not care of her daughter unfortunate situation and accept the nomination what kinda of a mother do that and expose her kid to the public scrutiny.

  10. No. Palin is an excellent choice and Republicans will stick with her.

  11. I don't think the girl can handle the pressure. out of kindness to her daughter the honorable and compassionate thing to do would be to step aside

  12. Nah, keeping Palin is a great move. I absolutely adore her and think that she is exactly what the republican party needs. Finally, a woman I can vote for!!!!

  13. I hope she stays right on in the election...Because, what will happen is the same thing that happened to Walter Mondale and Geraldine Ferraro and that is more and more scrutiny on the female VP by the media especially regarding her "political and social affliations"....Sarah Palin has a legal trial coming up, she has a personal, family issue, she has allegations of possible corruption and associations with people that are in jail or going to jail (Ted Stevens, Jack Abramhoff, Steven Silver)...All these "attention" on her...and Obama/Biden walks quietly into the White House....Happy Hunting!

  14. No it's not gonna happen but I did hear on morning joe(THAT"S MSNBC) this AM that's why they are attacking her so heavily hoping she'll drop out cuase they think she is to strong!

  15. I wouldn't bet on it if I were you.

    I'll tell you tho, there's word out there that the far left liberals have gotten ahold of her social security number and are playing h**l with it!  Nice stuff, huh?

    Only the far left!  Idiots!  That is a disgrace and I do believe that this will drive a lot of Dems. away from the party.  They think this c**p is going to help Obama?  Other way around my friends!

  16. We haven't seen or heard from her since "Troopergate" and the revelation that her minor daughter is having a baby out of wedlock.

    I would guess that they are frantically trying to talk her out of dropping out.

    Suddenly she realizes that this isn't Alaska where many cities in the US have more population than the entire state.

    Kryiotox1a:  Hail Marys, in football, are rarely successful.  They can win the superbowl and make the coach look like a master, or they can fail miserably and the entire coaching staff have to update their resumes...

  17. Keep dreaming.

  18. No. They knew about her kid's dumb move and her investigation before.

    Although Yahoo likes to report what the Irish bookies' odds that's important stuff.

  19. I'll bet you $500 bucks she stays. I'm going to Maui next month and could use the extra spending cash.

    Don C: Vietnam War??? WTF? Democrat Controlled Congress, Democrat Presidents. It took a Republican to end it. If you don't understand your party's history any better than that, maybe you should sit this one out..

  20. Knowing Republicans CAN NOT admit when they are WRONG

    ie. Vietnam War--Iraq War--Trickle down economics

    I'd say they'll keep her

  21. Shes a liabilty.  I just can't get over him not getting Condi Rice.  This is nuts----Shes a loose canon.  I can't believe he is going to stock his cabinet with this kinda staff.  She is not executive.

  22. There is betting on this - see - last I looked the community there thought there was about a 12% chance (ie quite low) that this would happen.  Of course it depends what comes out of all the investigation being carried out now ( remember Eagleton).  Also on how she does in the Biden debate on Oct 2.  The whole thing is an interesting example of how much time, money and effort is expended on the top of the ticket and how casually the VP, who may very well become POTUS, is chosen.

  23. No chance.  She's here to stay.  Palin is your next Vice President.

    You Dems are just upset you don't have anyone like her in your party!


    Palin is self made, unlike Hillary who rode Bill's coat tails to get elected in NY.

  24. No, she cant pull out, that would be a disaster for McCain, it would show him not to be steadfast

  25. Vegas has a line on it if anyone is interested.

  26. Whatever happens, both keeping her and dumping her is going to hurt McCain a lot.

  27. Elite Obama used smear campaigns to force his opponents to step down in his other races. But it is going to backfire on Elite Obama this time.

  28. it is not going to hapen lib....she scare you guys doesn't she?

    and no, like it is said in Football a great “hail mary” move… great moment in history … the first female VP will be Republican. THEN the first female president will be also Republican ..her!

    .she has DONE things that Obama dreams of doing.... like against after her OWN party on corruption.…when if EVER obama has done the same in the highly corrupt Democrat party uh?...I say she is more for change than obama is...she has DONE it! Look it up!

  29. Absolutely! I think she will do it today. I hope so! She's bringing the country down with all the Jerry Springer-like drama she has brought to the elections. Just low class! I thought I was watching ET and not the RNC last night when the newscasters actually started talking about Palin's daughter's boyfriend being at the speech! Yuck! I thought America was better than this.

  30. i was thinking the same thing -

    but i don't think she will - it will make mccain look unprepared as it would imply he didn't properly vet her.

    they would rather defend their mistakes til kingdom come rather than admit that it wasn't the right thing to do (i.e. Iraq).

  31. Hurricane Sarah is about to turn into a CAT5.  liberals be very afraid.

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