
Anyone else bored with life been there seen it done it all - what's next?

by  |  earlier

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Iraqwar geezer and anyone else who wants to have a go :-) you're not helping!!

Yes, pretty much travelled the world, got degree, had c**p jobs had god jobs have good friends, have good job, have good social life, have own home, broken hearts had heart broken, been counsellor been counselled lived overseas, watched TV, been to see films, plays, art galleries, museums, done volunteer work, done all sorts of evnign classes done some teaching etc etc etc. !!!!!




  1. You are in need of some mental and visual stimulation. I have lived in different Countries, travelled extensively for 25 years and the more I saw and see the more I understand how little I have seen and done. If I could live another 1,000 years there wouldn't be a day that I'd feel like there is nothing left to discover. The fastest way to get over boredom is to get busy, volunteer 1 or 2 days a week, take a course or get a hobby. My Grandfather had a saying, "you're a long time dead, make the best of every day"!

  2. maybe its time for you to focus on your soul rather than your physical self. u should try some religous study. im sure it will get you inspired to find out your real purpose in life and to fulfill it.

  3. Nope, if you think you have seen it all you are either extremely wealthy or have no imagination. There are parts of the world I haven't been to and my ambition is to get there eventually.

  4. sounds to me like its time to pick up a pole and go fishin

  5. Nope.

    How old are you? If you're under 100 then you have issues...

  6. the only logical thing you haven't tried.


  7. The world does not owe you entertainment. Life becomes more interesting when, and only when, YOU become more interesting.

    You are not bored. You are merely jaded.

  8. no im not bored, i like the fact that life is full of mystery and if you look you will find other exciting things to do always as every day can always be different if you want it to be only you can step out from yesturday into a new day if you want monday to be the same as every other day well it will be but monday could be just monday and the next day is a new day if you want it to be always look towards tommorrow and wat you can do not wat you cant or have done theres a big place infront of you i bet you havent seen everything have you?

    4 instance you have never seen me and thats something you havent done hey?

    i might be an alien or a big foot or yetti but youll never know if you dont want to its upto you wat tommorrow is going to be 4 you

  9. Nope. Not me myself or I.

    If I am blessed to wake up and see another day, I say a prayer and thank the God of us all for blessing me and allowing me to see another day.

    And if at the same time He blesses me to not be hampered by health concerns I stay up and find myself something to do to enjoy the life that He blesses me with.

    One of them being to answer this question for you.

    I hope that you are not TRULY bored with life and is planning anything that God doesn't want you to do.

    There will be h*ll to pay.

    I have concern for individuals that have screen names like yours.

  10. i used to be but now i am busy fighting for life perhaps you need a serious illness to appreciate your life as well

  11. I just turned 50, and I want to start from 18 again.  I'm a janitor, a musician, a writer, a traveler, a weightlifter, and every thing else I can put my time into.  I just do everything a little slower.  I don't know about bored.  I wish I had more money and time.  I live in europe today.  Not in california and not in Hawaii and not on the east coast.  That was another life.

    Being bored may be an excuse for being afraid.

  12. Yeah. Been happy in a relationship then heart broken. Travalled alot. Finished uni. All i need now is kids and man that wont leave me!! lol

  13. Rob a bank.

  14. Have you ever traveled the world? Volunteered in impoverished nations? Hiked in a remote place or climbed a mountain? How about seen the great antiquities of the world? Acheived an advanced degree? If need to get yourself going and get out of your own little insular self involved boring existence!

  15. Oh, you poor poor thing...

    You have the idea that there nothing left to do - well I've been there, done it, bought the tee-shirt and helped install the coke machine - and you know what - I'm ready to do it all again - with the difference being that I'm a little bit older, a little bit wiser and a lot more resilient to whatever life can throw at me.  

    You can choose to be a fire-fighter in this life or you can be a fire starter - I'd rather be the latter because I already know how to fire fight.  There are so many new and unique experiences being made available to you every second - and the longer you choose to sit there thinking you've done it all - the more of them are disappearing.  Go on - live a little.

    If you want to know what next - turn the page - there's more writing on the back...

  16. Heck no.

  17. You have never seen it and done it all! a life time is just not long enough. open your eyes and look at the whole world.

    I discover new and exiting things every day and I'm 59!

    Bored with life, get out there and do something special!

  18. go live on the streets and be a huffer.....sniffing glue and paint.....just for a week.....

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