
Anyone else completely burned out from the election campaigns?

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We are going to get a globalist, so maybe we are just better off working hard, buying gold and when the dollar collapse comes, so be it.




  1. I don't know if this idea has been brought up before but I think a presidential term should be longer - 5 or 6 years. It seems the president barely gets going on his agenda before it's time to start campaigning again.

  2. I tend to agree that the election is tiring- which is why it shouldn't have started in January.  It's hard enough to maintain interest from March to November....adding on the two months is going to lose a lot of interest, which will be reflected in voter turnout on Election day.  

    Now, in order to keep people voting, each party has to keep a sense of rage at the other party, which I expect will further divide the country along partisan lines, which won't be good for's starting to look like Orson Scott Card had it right when he came up with the premise for Empire....If Rome is burning, Americans set the fire.

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