
Anyone else cringing when they see the ads for "Baby Momma"?

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I recognize I haven't seen the movie yet ... but the ads alone are making me crazy.




  1. Oh I just shook my head in a stupor when i saw the add for that.  Anything to make a buck i suppose.

    But they won't have my dollar that's for sure.

  2. Yes, I saw the ad and kinda cringed so I Googled it. It's about a surrogate. I don't care for Tina Fey so I know I won't be seeing it.

  3. I have to say I kinda laughed when the OB said, "I just don't like your uterus."  But, overall it's just a portrayal of how pathetic and entitled (rich, white) women are getting these days.  

    And I completely agree with Tish regarding the shameful and distasteful propagandizing aimed at making it socially acceptable for rich women to pay women from lower socio-economic classes to gestate babies for them.  Barf.

    At least it's a comedy, I think I'd have a stroke if it was some tear-jerker like that Juno piece of c**p was.

    ETA:  I am totally unapologetic in my opinion that reproductive "medicine" in general and surrogacy specifically is an abomination, is completely unethical and the whole practice should be outlawed.  

    To the person above who posted that it is some women's choice and we should just lighten up...I don't agree with that choice.  I think those women, their doctors and anyone who participates in it are all wrong, and I, for one, will not "Lighten Up" about it.  

    I also don't agree with the flippant way you disparage First Moms by calling them "teenagers who got themselves knocked-up".  That comment was wrong on so many levels, I won't even go into it here, that's another topic.

    In this world today where everyone is so freaking PC, and have the attitude of Live and Let Live, I actually have the balls to have an opinion about something I have the moral conviction to think is WRONG.  What are you going to do about it?

  4. more of an attempt to illustrate the dichotomy of "breeder/parent", based on class, that we are attempting so hard to normalize in this society...

  5. it looks funny iwill definantly see it

  6. I haven't seen the ads, but I'm glad you warned me ahead of time.

  7. i saw the ads.  i used to adore tina fey, but i'm not psyched about this movie:(

  8. Yeah.  I was cringing too.

  9. I think it sounds like a silly movie that is good for the laugh it was written for. I love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. They were great as SNL actors and play wonderfully off each other.

    It's a movie about surrogacy. This is an option that many women have chosen. I will say that it usually isn't a random stranger but a friend or family member.  But is it any worse then an adoptive couple paying the expenses of some teen-age girl who got knocked up by her boyfriend?

    I think you need to lighten up and not make a social commentary out of a fun-looking movie.

  10. Yes,yes, yes  I don't think I will go see that movie.

  11. I dont know what to think about that preview, its almost insulting in a way, I think that people who have never been in the situation, people that are completely oblivious to that sort of thing would have a good laugh, but for those of us who have been adopted or have adopted, or even been in foster care, Its just not right.

  12. I agree! Looks like another idiot movie produced in Hollywood!

  13. Looks incredibly stupid.  I have no desire to see that one!

  14. OMG! im from england and i didnt know about this film, i cringed as soon as i saw it!

    it could be a good film though

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