
Anyone else daunted by A Levels?

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I had my first day today and A Levels seem so daunting it's frightening. Any experience from anyone else about their experience in sixth form? Plus I'd love to hear the experiences everyone else had on their first day too and their reaction to what's going on.




  1. ****  ..

  2. Is it that bad?? ishh I'm starting tomorrow >.< oh well gd luck in ur A-levels =D

  3. i finished my first year and i failed it, and tomorrow i start the year again. it was really hard but it will be worth it if the grades at the end r good

  4. I have just finished my A levels & i can honestly say that, they are not as difficult as it first appears. If your school -which you were at until the end of year 11- kept saying there is a big gap between GCSE and A level, like my school did; then don't fall for it, like i did! Yes, there is a gap between how difficult GCSE & A levels are (in terms of the difficulty), but it is not as big as your school may have been constantly telling you. I read on one other question that you are taking: Music, Eng, ICT & physics . Seriously, you should do really well with your A levels, with the abilty you said your are at, so DONT worry you'll be fine! A levels are like the rest of school, what you get out reflects what you put in. My advice would be:

    -stay organised -from day one- put all your work into folders & ALWAYS stay on top of your work level; it is crucial that you don't relax too much at the start, as you will probably find other people will do! (this is a lesson i learn't quite late & my grades suffered as a result).

    - As you will know, you will have exams, generally speaking at two different periods on each academic year. So, make sure you learn everything, as you go along - DON'T FALL INTO THE TRAP OF LEAVING TOO MUCH AT THE END, before your exams.

    So, keep on top of your work & stay organised (just like everyone said at GCSE) & with your ability you will do very well!

    If you don't stay organsied & on top of your work, you will do badly.

    A level success is really VERY simple if you stay organised & keep on top of your work (and with a good ability- like you have!).  

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