
Anyone else despise people who just throw their gum anywhere?

by  |  earlier

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for other people to walk, step, or sit in?

If you are someone who does this - WHY?




  1. no I don't despise anyone

    but it does irritate the heck out of me when i see this or this might happen to me, i think gum should be made without the sticky factor just the flavor.And a disposable ziplock to throw away in a trash can

  2. I despise people who throw anything on the ground that doesn't belong there, but yes, it's really irritating to step on gum!  I remember driving with my sons in the car when one of them asked me if it was okay to throw his gum on the ground.  My reply was to ask him if he had ever stepped in gum.  He said he had not.  I told him to wait until he had stepped in gum himself and then he would know the answer to his question.  He did.

    Just last week we were in a coffee shop, and I saw a 13-ish boy throw his straw wrapper on the floor.  It pissed me off immediately.  I told him he needed to pick it up, and he just continued to stare at me with the dumbest look on his face as he sucked his coffee drink into his face.  One of my sons got up and picked up the dumb kids wrapper and threw it away.  Unfortunately, I don't think any of it absorbed into that kids brain.

    I think people who do things like that are oblivious, stupid, lazy and just don't care.  It's sad that people don't realize the impact they have on their OWN environment and that they need to take care of it.

  3. yes i do its not only rude but very unintelligent if u ask the next time u see some chewing moron going to throw that wad of unflavored tree sap away say "hey u could put that in ur pocket i hear its good luck" if they say hows that say cause if u know how many times u chewed it or how long u have chewed it wait till the times up and put hand in pocket to make a the wish wont come true but they will wish they didnt listen to u

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