
Anyone else doing a night feed just now?

by  |  earlier

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i have a three week old and its 3:25am im sooooo shattered anyone else feel the same




  1. My six month old has been sleeping since 9pm...Hang in there it gets better soon!

  2. nope its 2.30 pm wear i live but i know how you feel i cant wait till me 5 week old sleeps thru the night broken sleep is really hard good luck on your test

  3. I usually get my mobile out and play Tetris! I know just how you feel.  

  4. Yup, my son wakes up 2 to 3 times asking for feeding at night during his first year. I'm a working mum. So, that's normal...

  5. When I used to get up and feed my son, I would just lay down and close my eyes. If you co-sleep it is so much easier and when he is done, he just sleeps next to you. I used to wake up with milk dripping, boob hanging everywhere, milk drippin from my son's mouth, it was so cute.

  6. I know how you feel- never thought of being on the computer, my girl is bottle fed though so it would have been hard-lol But I so needed ways to stay awake. My girl was a preemie and the first while your suppose to set your alarm to wake up to feed them because they won't wake up to do so. It was only for the first few days for us but really hard. I had so many people staying with me I didn't want to make noise so I would quietly get up. I remember one night feeding her and all off a sudden I jolted awake- she was asleep and I had been, the bottle had rolled across the floor. We had been as sleep for a while siting there-she never fussed! I thought wow not a good thing to do ! Good luck to you- by three months my girl was sleeping through the night. Congrats to you also

  7. wow where are you its 10:28 pm here and yes i know what you mean i am fixing to start school and my son gets up at that same time lol and it seems like he will never go back to sleep after he is done burping and eating then whe he finall does he gets back up at 5 and cries the whole time

    good luck on the driving test

  8. What are you doing on the computer then? Feed the babe and go to bed!

  9. "im on the computer as it keeps me awake while im feeding the child"

    Oh boy, have I been there! That used to be the ONLY way I could stay awake!

  10. Awwwww!

    Been there done that!  It will get better soon!

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