OK so when i was little i told my granny some one in our family was going into hospital the next day, would be serious but not deadly, the next day some one in our family went into hospital and are still recieving treatment for the thing they had
a bit bigger i wrote a goodbye poem for no reason other than i felt i HAD to the next day my dog died
little bigger my great gran went into hospital, i wanted to go see her but every one said she would be home the next day. i knew she wouldnt but did not say anything incase i was wrong. she died.
i had a baby but when i found out i was pregnant i believed the birth would be a hard one in which i would have to be in hospital for or i would die, again i was right as i heammoraghed.
i never dream but last night i had a very vivid nightmare and woke up in the middle of the night terrified. from it i have had this feeling of dread. i have only ever had this feeling before a big event.
im terrified something is going to happen ( or that im going nuts lol)
has anyone ever felt like this or had any thing similar happen?