
Anyone else ever have days when...?

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your toddler follows you around the house clinging to your trousers and you can't get a single thing done?




  1. Yes. I have two of them. Enough said.

  2. yes its more grin and bare it ur more likely to get things done when ur toddler is havin a nap take advantage of this time. my little is 8 months old and follows me round the downstairs as shes crawlin i dont mind cos im tidyin up at same time.

  3. Yea! It can be aggravating but you just have to remember that they do it because they love you and want you around. One day they wont want anything to do with u, so u better take advantage of it!!

  4. yeh mine did that lol. shes nearly 5 now and still does it sometimes

  5. I have months of this actually. My two year old is going through this stage where I have to take him everywhere with me...even the  restroom. That is actually a plus since he is going potty when I do.. but it can be rather aggravating at times. I just keep telling myself that this too shall pass. My six year old did the same thing, just not as long. Best thing to do is to stop and give him some attention or a really nice cuddle session.   :)

  6. yes i can be good but also quite frustrating. but just take it for granted because in ten years time they will be rebelling!!

  7. Yes, both my 2 and a half year old boy and my 10 month old girl (who is crawling) do. I don't mind it too much, but I do use their nap time as a chance to try and get other things done!!

  8. I love my babies clinging on to me sometimes even at night they come in my bed and put their hands on me and hold me as tight as they can until they fall asleep. I know that once they grow older they'll want to do their own thing and not be clingy anymore :( time goes by too fast.

  9. Yep, I love it!!!  I can't even go to the store without my 4 year old wanting to go.  Of course I would love to do something by myself every now and then, but I know that she is going to at an age to where she won't even want me around.  So I'm taking advantage of her wanting to be with me 24/7

  10. Yep it has happened to every one at least once!

  11. Yes that's everyday for me,My daughters my shadow i cant even go to the loo shes there,But i wouldn't be with out her.

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