My son has had a lot of issues since birth. We have switched formula twice already, from Similac Advance, to Isomil Soy, now to Alimentum Hypoallergenic. Still no relief. He is VERY gassy. And 'spits up' alot. I believe it isn't spit up that it is actually vomit. He waits about an hour after eating then "spits up" and then its not like spit up its a lot enough to soak the front of my shirt. OK we have tried gas drops. extra burping, different bottles, sleeping on back sleeping on tummy. tummy massages, elevation, almost everything.. Now we are trying Gripe Water. for the moment.. ( past 20 minutes ) it has worked great. Has anyone else tried this, and how has it worked for you?? also any other suggestions on how to help my babies tummy feel better? This is my second child. I never went through any of this with my daughter. It is driving me looney here. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks