
Anyone else feel it is disrespectful to make fun of the president while he is in office?

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He is a representative of the united states and as such we should treat with respect. You don't have to agree with him, but I feel that insulting and making fun of him weakens the American image. He did after all win the election...twice. I'm not saying that they should be banned or any action be taken against those who do, but it seems to me the should be using their time to ensure that someone they dislike that much not come into office again, rather than wasting their time on some immature cartoon or animation.




  1. Not really a clear cut answer.

    Criticism, even humorous criticism, is one thing.  Making fun of gaffes ("nucular", for example) is not over the line, IMO.

    However, "bashing" does cross the line for me.  Especially to a foreign audience.  I guess I'm of the old "politics ends at the shore" school of thought.

  2. the president is not a king. He works for the people not the other way around. If he doesn't do a good job he will not be respected. If he does a good job he will be respected.

    Bottom line. Want respect, you have to earn it.

  3. Well excuse me... but we didn't vote for Bush... okay? So i have the right to bash him anyway... I never liked him and I never will. He's a horrible representative for the Americans. He never deserved to be president.

  4. support your country always , and your government when it deserves it

    so no i don't

  5. I totally feel that we should respect our president, whether we voted for him or not.  One thing stands out from my childhood.  My mother crying over JFK.  She wasn't a democrat, didn't vote for him.  But the crime was against America and it's citizens.  There is a lot that most people don't know about politics and inside info.  It's okay not to agree with everything, but make it constructive, not harmful to the moral of America, and what our president stands for.  

  6. Isn't it great to be an American.  We have the right to make fun of buffoons when they are appointed to the Presidency.  I respect the office but not the man.  

  7. Depends on your definition of making fun.  I think it is important for Americans and the media to be constructively critical without being biased.  

    Yellow journalism seems to be an American heritage.

  8. I think Bush is getting at least much as respect as Clinton ever got from Republicans.  A lot more than he deserves in my opinion.

  9. Yes, it is disrespectful to bash the president while in office. It not only shows disrespect, but also shows stupidity. How? The world gets to see how the majority of its country wanted for a president. Nonetheless, when a country chooses to publicly bash their president, as does the media, it gives other countries to do the same.  

  10. The Constitution says nothing about having to respect the president, nor any other public official for that matter.  Respect is something which must be earned, not just given because of a title or position.  Remember, this is a democracy, not an aristocracy.  Bush, Cheney and many other public officials do not merit our respect because they have not proved themselves worthy of it.  They are men who don't truly serve the people, but rather themselves, the wealthy and monied special interests.  As for weakening the American image, nothing can do that more than a president who doesn't know what he is doing; who doesn't know where he is from moment to moment; who swaggers arrogantly like the country and the world owes him obeisance, or who has no command of the English language.  Bush is the poster boy for inanity.  Keep thinking the way you do.  You play right into their hands.  Bush and others of his ilk delight in an electorate which behaves like good little children - obedient and unquestioning even unto the point of their own destruction.  

  11. I think that only because the majority Americans dislike GWB for his wrong doings in Iraq war. The deliberate conspiracy to prop up the gasoline prices, sub-prime loan crisis by supporting the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to escalating the housing prices for the purpose of bubbling up the houses prices 5 times as it really valued for getting more taxes from the real estate developers and home buyers to support the huge military expenditure for majoring for wars but less for peace keeping. I am living in a much worst fascist ruled city by the good for nothing Donald Tsang Yum-kuen.  Hong Kong major Chinese daily news papers of Apple Daily News, Oriental Daily news, the Sun, including the English edition of the South China Morning Post have expressed with disrespectful funs made to the good for nothing Donald Tsang Yum-kuen, the Hong Kong chief executive with salary four times as much as the former US president, Bill Clinton. I personally think his overpaid salary in terms of value of being the leader of Hong Kong, responsibilties, leadership ability, policy making for the socioeconomic growth and stabality, care the poor and and aged. I personally give him a 2 and demand a cut to his overpaid salary of at least 200k HK per month. The following statements are quoted from Philip Bowring, a Hong Kong based journalist and commentator who publisbed an article in the SCM Post about two years ago.

    He absored into his bones into the combination of paternalism and arrogance of the colonial bureaucracy. He truly believed the nation that they were a wise elite whose abilities underpinned Hong Kong's economic sucess and well deserved to be the world's highes paid senior civil servants. The self-image of himself and his colleagues fitted easily into the post-1997 circumstances, a hierchical party which believed that emboidied national interest and a mainland bureaucracy which had always considered itself the glue which held the nation together.-----------------------------  Mr Tsang seems determined to cement those bonds. Note the appointment of civil servants to so many quasi-government organizations and businesses. Note the appointment of the of the offspring of the tycoons of an ealier era to cosy government-related jobs and advisory positions. An undeniable fact the most recent appointed by the New World Development as an Advisor/Consultant, Leung Chi Man, a retired Hong Kong senior civil servant, by paying him an annual salary of HK$ 3 million. He is accused for granting a good deal of highest conflict of interest to the NWD for a newly completed large public housing estate for the price of only $1800/sq ft about three years ago. After a few minior innovations, the NWD made HK$35 billions by selling the price at $8000/sq ft. This senior HK civil servant got a lumpsum payment of one-off 10 million dollars plus monthly fat cat pension of $60k per month on our taxed dollars.

    Hong Kong Chinese media are frequently insulted the god damed HK chief executive, Donald Tsang on a daily basis. I think he is deserved the curses and disrepectful remarks from the public. He should cut his overpaid salary and establish a decent pension fund of at least $4,000 per month. As a matter of fact, he raised his already too much overpaid salary by 90k per month more after he was selected by 800 internal persons in the in a small circle voting process as the positions are pre selected.  Hong Kong is currently has a total pupulation of 7 millions, however; two million are living under the poverty line. Can you live on the so called fruit fund of $625 to $ 705 per month in this listed as the number five most expensive city damned city of Hong Kong? I personally think Donald Tsang should be continous cursed and disrespect till he drop dead.  Most Hong Kong citizens disagree with Donal, but most of those poor citizen kissed the a ss of Donald Tsang. Many of those poor citizens are too ******* scare.  

  12. Yeah i cant stand when the media bashes bush...

    it just makes us look like a weaker country when we bash him because people laugh that we disrespect our own leader

    No one really knows the full story about what goes on behind those closed doors of the oval office, so no one should be allowed to make fun of a  presidents decisins...

    we voted him in because we trusted him... its importand to keep that pride n him that  we once had

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