
Anyone else feel shy to talk or sing to thier baby?

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I know it is silly and I am really going to work hard on getting over this but I am really shy/embarrased to talk or sing to my baby!

Right now I am still pregnant, due next week 8/28. I will talk or sing occasionaly to my tummy when I am alone in the car or in the bathroom where no one can hear me but when I am home I don't want my husband or mom to hear me. (Im 25 hubby and I are living with my mom to save money and she had 2 spare rooms so there is some privacy)

Even though my hubby talks to the baby all the time I still can't do it in front of him.

I feel terrible about this. I am hoping things will change once I see the actual baby and if they don't change I am going to work so hard to change them because I know how important it is for his development not to mention to emote love etc....

Has anyone else gone through this or have any advice?





  1. I went thru that with my first pregnancy.  But it all went away after I had my son.  After he was born, I would talk to him and ask him questions like he could answer me back.  It will come naturally to talk to your baby after they are born.

  2. I total relate to you. My baby is 11 weeks now and although I do it in front of my husband. I'm still a embarrassed doing it in front of friends and family.

  3. you will get over it as soon as your son gets here, I hardly ever talked to my belly, I sang to it every once in a while, but I just didn't feel comfortable. But as soon as my son was born it was all different, now I find myself in the middle of wal-mart making farting noises, crossing my eyes and singing to my son... (it kinda becomes second nature and you dont even realize your doing it until you've made a fool out of yourself.) Dont worry about it, it will become so easy for you you wont even realize your doing it!

  4. i thought i would and i did a bit...but  made sure i played music at least and now he is born..i sing to him all of the seriosly..all of the time lol and he loves it :) when he is here you dont feel silly cos you are at least talkiing to some thing infront of

  5. I know it seems strange to talk and sing to your bump.  I got over it when their kicks really started hurting me.  I'd stop whatever I was doing and ask them what the heck they were doing in there.  

    As soon as my babies came out I couldn't stop singing or talking to them.  They respond so well to a song I use to sing to them in the womb, so I know that it wasn't completely stupid, because they can actually hear you and they love it!

    Good luck!

  6. i totally went throught that, i felt like an idiot! but, dont.. thats a real person in there, you're person! once u see him or her u will wonder why u felt weird at all! i did. so talk it up, sing it up! if u dont want to, dont feel bad, there will b many conversations had and lullabies sung in the years to come! :)

  7. I totally felt the same way with my first! I felt so goofy doing "baby talk" and singing to him. It really helped me to be around my sister who also had a baby; I was able to see how she would sing little songs about everything to her baby. You'll get the hang of it - it is normal to feel awkward at first but your baby will love all the silly faces and noises and so will you. Congratulations and have fun!

  8. I used to feel the same way. But talking and singing is sooo good for your baby. My son is one and i talk to him all day long! Seriously! i tell him everything i am doing and what i'm about to do and we read a lot. I used to feel a little werid and didn't know what to say but it will come to you. Don't feel silly your baby is going to love it!!

    Oh your baby is due on my sons first birthday!! Congrats and good luck!!

  9. I didnt talk much to my baby til I was around 36 weeks and I did feel silly and stupid...but I just had my baby 5 weeks ago from yesterday and ever since birth she has smiled upon hearing my voice (yes newborns smile despite what others say about them smiling when only passing gas, my daughter did, at me when she was first born, it was more of a smile that showed she was reassured to hear my voice still). so that proves talking to her made a diff. and the song I began humming to her when I was around 36 weeks pregnant with her---the "rock a bye Lily" (instead of baby, Lily is her name) still works on her now when shes crying. also I was 9 days overdue and finally started convincing her to come out, like saying "theres nothing to be afraid of, mommy's waiting for you" etc etc and I actually went into labor on my own b4 the scheduled induction!

    oh and even now I still feel kind of stupid talking to some1 so young about things she wouldnt understand like "okay I'm gonna go make dinner now, so I'm going 2 put you down" but its so much better for their cognitive and brain development to talk to them in adult language rather than saying "goo goo ga ga " to them lol.

  10. One way would be to read to your baby. That way they are not your words, so you don't need to feel self-conscious. Or ask your husband what was his favorite book as a kid and to get hold of a copy to read to the baby. It will still be good after the birth. Even if you read the newspaper aloud, the baby will be hearing your voice. Or sing along to a tape of children's songs. And there's not much longer to wait!

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