
Anyone else feel they kind of wasted their summer?

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I spent mine going to work. I'm boring.

I haven't gone swimming yet, I didn't go to my aunts house so she could teach me to cook. I've only hung out with my boyfriend (dont get me wrong, i love him to death and have soo much fun with him)

The only adventure I've had this summer is taking the bus by myself for the first time.


I have to cram everything I want and need to do into like the next 2 weeks. GAH!




  1. You're lucky you did that; i sat at my house and cleaned all summer.

    I didnt get to go to any parties or get crunk so shut up child.  

  2. sort of. the only thing i did was babysit, went fishing and to the mall with my friends at the very beginning of the summer. other than that i went shopping! =) i only read 1 of my summer reading books and school starts in like a week! i was so busy with the baby (my nephew) that i didn't really go out and have fun. i couldn't even go to six flags or anything because my sister works 24/7. next year i might go to atlanta and i'll be old enough to get a real job, yay!

  3. not Aat all .. ive had an amazing summer! girly holiday to begin with. then the rest meeting up with friends going to partys enjoying the sun and dancing in the rain

    x xx  

  4. Yes! We start school back Monday and it feels like summer has flown by! I mean, we went to the beach and to a Jonas Brothers concert, but I still feel like there was so much more I could've done. If I could go back, I'd do things differently!

  5. No not really. I spend all my summers doing practically nothing, so I'm use to it. But I was imagining something different this year, guess not

  6. yeah LOL all if really done this summer is shop and hang out with my friends. yeah I know that sounds fun to some people but yeah not really except for the hanging out with my friends part that was pretty fun! LOL i just feel like I haven't had the finest summer ever LOL

  7. i did absolutely nothing but hey relaxing is always fun haha

  8. Well, kind of..

    I wish i'd done this one thing but im not brave enough to lol

    But yea summers been ok =)

  9. summer is a time to be productive somewhat but its supposed to be relaxing why do you think school administrators give us this break because the body needs a time to destress and recharge.. so if you had fun that is most important!

  10. I've spent most of my summer working too.  And it'll be my last summer.  I start school on Monday and i've only spent 2 days with my friends.  The other days off I had (few and far between) it was raining so i didn't really do much. Oh I went shopping with my sister once at the beginning of summer.

    The up side, lots of money!

  11. I haven't even gone to the beach.

    You're lucky you spent time with your boyfriend

    because the guy i am dying to get to like me

    asked me to hang out like 5 times and i was busy or couldnt hang or he canceled it was a bad summer and didnt feel very long

  12. Yeah- It sucked for me b/c both my parents work and thy wont let me walk anywhere or get in a car with a friends parent they havent met.

    I mean Im 13-when my brother was my age he was allowed to walk anywhere.

    Plus Ive been sick a quarter of the summer.

  13. Ugh I feel the same exact way. I just moved to a new town this summer, but my boyfriend was from here and I made friends with everyone quick. So in the beginning of the summer I had loads of fun and alot of stuff to do. And now I come home at 12 every night and sleep. And all I do is hang out with my boyfriend! I usually go to the beach every single day, I now go once a week if that. It sucks :/

  14. My summer this year was 'boring' compared to my last

    summer. I basically did nothing fun besides work at my

    parents business and go to Missouri for a religious gathering

    and so I could visit some child hood friends.

    I didn't even get to go to the pool or hang out with

    my friends that much due to working.

  15. kinda.

    like for the first two weeks i hung out with my best friend, boyfriend and my really good guyfriend almost everyday.. but then i got really sick so i couldnt go anywhere for a week!

    then it was my birthday so i partyed alot that week

    but then i broke up with my boyfriend and everyone got busy.. so i just kinda stopped hanging out with people

    so then i finally go out with my best friend and some grade 11 boys <3 rofl and my mom ******* grounds me for a week!

    so i sneak out to a field party and i get grounded for even longer!

    so now im finally ungrounded and all my friends are gone some where.


    so now i just sleep alot and chill and text all day haha

    its kinda nice though!

    no school for 3 more weeks yayayay :D:D:D:D

  16. i worked this summer too.

    and im also gunna be a senior

    now that its the end of summer, i feel like i didnt do anything

    but, my next 2-3 weeks are booked! so im happy ill at least be able to enjoy the end of the summer =]

  17. Not really, I had fun doing nothing.


  18. I've been pregnant all summer :-(

  19. ugh i have 2 more weeks to do this huge summer project and marching band every day. Nah i feel like i did alot this summer. I went to seattle,the beach,hung out with friends,went to a party, and swam on the swim team.

  20. same here i spent most of my time working... and sometimes with my friends i didnt get to swim much but got some awesome paychecks :)

  21. yeah i didn't go on vacation or anything because my mom was working, but we did re-paint the house and i had fun relaxing and taking my dog for walks. && my friends were all at camp sooo i didn't get to hang out much but we talked lots on msn. ;]

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